C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews for Large Dogs (26-50 Pounds)

C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews for Large Dogs, 30 Chews
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $15.97
Today's Bonus: 6% Off
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I loved these chews until today... and so did my 40 lb akita puppy. These are great for keeping your dogs teeth clean and my dog loves them! She runs to her cushion and sits down as soon as I grab the bag from the shelf. However, the major problem with them is that my dog attempts to swallow them as soon as she can and has almost choked on one twice now. The first time I easily pulled it out of her throat but today it almost killed her. I should have known better because I'd been told as much by many people at my vets (one dog even choked to death) but the reviews online were so good I didn't listen. I always watch my dog with chews but even under supervision she will try and swallow them ASAP. These are great for your dogs teeth but please watch your dog!

Also, the sizes are very inconsistent... in the four bags I've ordered to date I've had to throw a large number out (basically one full bags worth) because they are too small to even attempt to give to my dog.

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I have a 1 year old lab/Shepard mix and she is a very active chewer. I ordered the CET chews to keep her teeth clean. She absolutely loves the flavor, but because the rawhide is so thin, she tears them in half and tries to swallow them in large pieces. The first time she did it, I thought maybe it was a one time deal. I saw her choking and stuck my hand down her throat to remove a piece of rawhide blocking her throat. Just today, she choked again, and I wasn't able to pull it out but in my efforts I must have shoved it down and she could breath again. It is a very scary moment to see your dog choking and gasping for air. My dog was looking to me for help and once her throat cleared she laid in my lap for 30 minutes...I am guessing it traumatized her. I threw the rest of the bag in the trash. My dog also has loose stool whenever she ate these, but she does have a sensitive stomach to certain foods so I am sure results will vary. I will stick with brushing her teeth and getting her teeth annually by the vet.

My dog 70 pounds, 1 year old lab/Shepard mix. She eats the beef Orijen food blended with California natural.

Edit -

My dog Taro is now three and a half and I see these chews at the Vet clinic I go to. I also see that this product has really great reviews so I am sure that it works for most people's dogs and people love the product...I just urge you to be very cautious if you purchase this chew and stay with your dog when they are chewing on it. I just wanted to edit this review because the risk is so high with these chews that I felt compelled to warn potential buyers of the product.

I think the manufacturer should at a minimum put a strong warning on the front of the bag to warn owners that this can pose a major choking hazard to some dogs. This would be the responsible thing to do. Pet products are not regulated like products for human use. Most people like me view their pets as children and essential to their lives. If this were made for children, the danger of this product would make news and force the manufacturer to address the choking hazard.

It also seems fishy that almost all of the 5 star reviews are from people with 1-4 reviews on other products. Plus the number of "is this useful votes" is usually less than 5 votes. It seems as these reviewers are fake...just seems fishy to me. I hope this isn't the case because they would be toying with the danger of killing our dogs.

Buy C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews for Large Dogs (26-50 Pounds) Now

I have three geman shepherds and they love the chews. They have done a great job of cleaning their teeth. Just one caution, I would not leave a dog alone with a chew, they have a tendency to shallow large portions which could be a choking hazard.

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My dogs love these, and I was giving them at least one a day. Fortunately we were home the day my bulldog almost choked to death. It was a very close call. They are probably ok for small dogs, but big dogs tend to swallow the pieces, and that's where the problem is. Watch out for this!!!

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My mother-in-law bought these from our vet the other day because they aren't fattening and are good for teeth. My dogs love them (I have two Labradors). But, yesterday, I gave them each one to chew and my Chocolate Lab choked. He was gasping for breath, and fortunately threw up the chew and his breakfast. I say fortunately because I suspect he would have choked to death otherwise. My other Lab threw up over night, and I suspect it was from these chews. I'm getting rid of them and won't buy them again. These things should come with a warning label.

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