Halo Purely For Pets VitaGlo Daily Greens

Halo Purely For Pets VitaGlo Daily Greens -- 100 Tablets
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: $19.79
Sale Price: $16.78
Today's Bonus: 15% Off
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Sorry, but this product was very old the label has been changed for two years and this bottle had the old label (not the one pictured that label is the new label). Plus it had hardly any smell, and this product when new has quite a strong odor. It's a shame that there is no expiration date, but I didn't need one to know it was past. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to bother with attempting to return it or contact the seller. I don't like wasting my time.

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So why give your dog vitamins? Well, for the same reason that you take 'em. Sure, if you eat a well balanced diet, you don't need a vitamin supplement but how many of us do? My wife and I take a supplement on the theory that it can't hurt and it may help. Anyway, that was the logic that led us to Halo Vitaglow Daily Greens for our dogs. BUT BEWARE....

To come straight to the point: Daily Greens contains all sorts of good things for your dog, but it also contains soybean and wheat sprouts. Within three days after we began giving Daily Greens to our terriers, our Scotty, who is allergic to soy and wheat, began chewing on her feet a sure sign that she was having an allergic reaction. We cut off the Daily Greens she stopped chewing her tootsies. We tried the tablets again about a week later and we got the same result. It's hard for me to believe that there is enough soy or wheat in these tablets to cause an allergic reaction but her behavior can't be explained any other way. So....

The tablets are a pretty expensive proposition and if your dog is allergic to wheat or soy, (as many are), s/he may not be able take them, (by the way, both of our terriers LOVED eating them they thought they were treats). You may find it more cost effective to simply pay attention to your dog's diet and make sure that s/he is eating the right stuff....

Buy Halo Purely For Pets VitaGlo Daily Greens Now

Halo "Daily Greens" was one of the rare vitamin products that my finicky 21 year old kitty would tolerate. When I could no longer find it locally, I searched for it online and reordered from this seller. Delivery was a bit slow, but free--a fair compromise. What saddened me is that the vitamin formula must have been changed (or perhaps the batch I rcvd was not up to par in some way). When crushed and/or added to liquid, it's color was vastly different from that of my previous batch. It also smelled very STRONG and was not palatable to my kitty. Where were the "greens" that manifested themselves in the color and scent of the older version? Finding another satisfactory vitamin supplement will require more trial and error, but I won't order the Halo "Daily Greens" again.

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I have a dog with allergies, so we must scrutinize every ingredient in every food item for her. I read the ingredients carefully before ordering and imagine my unhappy surprise when my dog started to have an allergy episode after consuming a dose of these. The formula on the actual bottle I received is vastly different from the website description given here. DON'T BUY THESE IF YOUR PET HAS FOOD ALLERGIES! Hope this helps...

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Like any pet owner, I feel that nothing is too good for my dog. My girlfriend turned me on to the Halo health products for pets and I am a convert. My little one was a rescue and was just recovering from mange when I got him. A few weeks later we started to give him the daily greens product and over the next few months his coat started to come in smoother and his temperament grew brighter. Now he is a rambunctious 1 year old, full of pep and energy and I think that no small part of this is due to his treatment of Daily Greens. I would recommend them to any and all pet owners.

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