Royal Canin Chihuahua Adult Dog Food, 2.5 lbs.

Royal Canin Chihuahua Adult Dog Food, 2.5 lbs.
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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Sale Price: $16.99
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We are pet nannys to a tiny chihuahua named peanut. Mom went on a trip and Peanut and her sisters came to stay with us. Sisters eat their food like champions. Peanut would not eat anything....any kind of kibble, cheese, turkey, chicken, cottage cheese. nothing. So looked into this type of kibble for her. And WALAAAAAAA she ate a bowl of it asap. Loved it! We are so thrilled for Miss Peanut. She has found her food. Yeah!!!!

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I have a I have a Miniature Pinscher and a Chihuahua they both love this food, and as their nutritional requirements are similar I can buy one dog food that they both enjoy and is good for them. I was originally concerned that the bag size was going to be to small based off the size of the bag of their previous food. But this food is such a higher quality of food that the dogs actually have very little body waste. This is an instance where price does equal quality!

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When I first adopted my chi-weenie, she came in already on the Royal Canin Indoor Small Dog formula. She is epileptic, and takes a pretty high dose of phenobarbital and potassium bromide to control her seizures. She also has allergy issues (itchy skin, full anal glands and itchy ear issues).

Now my prior experience and training in the veterinary field had me immediately wanting to switch to a grain-free food, so I bought and transitioned her to a premium GF food. The result was itchier skin, fast-filling anal glands, and she pooped THREE TIMES as much as before. Her seizures also began getting worse. We were trying to readjust her meds, but it turned out that the increased amount of sodium from her new food as well as the pill pockets we were using blocked one of the meds in her system, making it less effective. I also began to worry that between the constant meds and increased protein from the grain-free food, her liver was going to become damaged even more quickly.

I put her back on Royal Canin, the Chihuahua formula. I checked with ROYAL CANIN and it turns out the chihuahua formula has less sodium than any of the premium foods she'd been on. Within two days, her poops are back to being smaller and less frequent, her itchiness has slightly decreased (we're still trying to figure out those issues), and when mixed with canned pumpkin, I'm able to sneak in her meds and herbs all at the same time because she just wolfs it down since they're such tiny kibbles. And she hasn't had a seizure since we switched foods and upped the meds slightly. It's hard to say which one did the trick, but I'd like to think it was the combo of both. She just seems to feel better and she most certainly smells better due to the skin improvement.

So for now, Royal Canin Chihuahua is going to be my little girl's maintenance food.

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We have a little Pomeranian that absolutely loves these!

As to the specific bag size, go for the 14 lbs, vs the 2.5 lbs. The price per pound is much cheaper on the larger bags (as of this writing, 2013-07).

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i'd always fed science diet..he never ate more than 3/4 what he was suppose to by weight, and then only when he was really hungry. most canned food caused frequent and/or loose stools. he's a long hair so loose stools are deal breaker for any food for him. i tried 4 or 5 dry foods mixed with the only food he seemed to eat regularly (a super expensive canned variety). i believe dry food is better for dogs

and was determined to find one he'd eat...i mix canned with it so he'll enjoy it(yes he's spoiled), but he is going get half dry food whether he chose to eat it or not. i read a review noting that the chihuaha formula had increased smell because they are so ruled by this sense(he is more smell attuned than any dog i've ever had... he goes into a trance when he smells something new, even indoors)...also they had a differenct shape kibble that was easier for their little teeth and mouths. the first time i gave it to him he ate the entire serving...usually he'd eat the canned and leave at least half the dry in the dish. we are both very happy. the thing i found was to nuke(17 seconds so the fat in it sizzles) a teaspoon of the good natural blue chicken pate canned and mix it up with 1/3 to 1/2 cup of the royal canin dry and he always eats now. he's still skinny(at 15 mons) but the vet says he'll bulk up a bit as he gets older but that he is in perfect health and lean is what nature intends him to be. it saddens me to see all the toy dogs running around 20% overweight cause they're overfed too much rich mush. try this, a friends shitz tsu also loves it.

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