Glyco-Flex II Feline Bite-Sized Chews, 60-Count

Glyco-Flex II Feline Bite-Sized Chews, 60-Count
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $12.99
Sale Price: $12.34
Today's Bonus: 5% Off
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So I bought GlycoFlex II for both my middle aged dog and my senior catduring the first 4-6 weeks is the loading "dose" where you basically give them their eventual dose twice daily. My cat is a large old man so he gets two cat chews twice daily. I was dishing out the glyco flex tonight, by the way they both LOVE the taste, and realized that the cat chews are roughly half the size of the dog chews. Looked at the ingredients ( MSM, glucosamine, green lipped mussel,ect) amounts and the cat chews are approximately half the serving of a dog chew. The only difference between the cat and dog chews are the size and the shape. This means you can save half on you glycoflex cat chews by buying the dog glycoflex chews instead. On Amazon the dog chews run about $36 for 120 chews and the cat chews run about $32 for the same amount. If your cat enjoys the taste and you don't care about not having the cute fish shaped pretty chewsjust by the dog size and save $30. I think a %50 savings isn't too shabby. Save on Amazonerssave on.

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I bought this product recently because I am having a hard time getting my cat to take Cosequin. She's only five years old and recently hurt herself running from a dog. At first we thought she had been injured but it turned out to be arthritis. My first impression of this product was similar to the person who said he threw it out as my cat is very difficult about eating. She turned her nose up at the product and wouldn't touch it. I tried again several times and then broke the chew into three pieces. She finally ate it and ever since she really wants these chews. It's too early to say how effective it is or whether its effective at all but it's the first medicine she's voluntarily eaten and it's a relief to know she's getting something. I'll post back if and when I see some results, but I wanted to let others know that even a really picky eater will like this product.

This is an update. Definitely 5 stars for this product. My cat is now walking and jumping normally and is back to her old self. I couldn't be happier! I can't say with 100% certainty that this product is totally responsible as I have also been managing to get one Cosequin in her a day mixed with about a teaspoon of pumpkin. At any rate she is back to normal and I will continue to use this product and recommend it to others!

Buy Glyco-Flex II Feline Bite-Sized Chews, 60-Count Now

I bought these for my 10-year old cat. In recent months, I noticed him having trouble jumping onto the bed and couch, and also getting a bit slower when navigating the stairs. After just a few days of supplementing his food with these chews, I saw a noticeable improvement. Not only did his legs and joints seem better, but his overall demeanor and energy level improved, too. I imagine he felt happier and more energetic because his legs were working better. :-) My only slight complaint about these chews is that the flavor does not appeal to my cat, and so I have to mash each with a fork, and "hide" it in his canned food. They would be a lot easier to administer if they were made in a cat-enticing flavor--I suspect the flavor was formulated with dogs in mind, instead. In any case, I've just ordered two more pouches, since 60 chews go fast! (Note: Because of the flavor issue, I also tried the chewable tablet version, Glyco-Flex II For Cats & Small Dogs 45 Chewable tablets but those were just about impossible to get him to eat--and very large for a cat's mouth in general.)

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My cat went missing for over 2 months. When we found her, she was totally emaciated with a dislocated hip that had healed out of place. She wasn't able to extend her back legs very far, and she walked slightly crooked. The vet gave me Glyco-Flex to help her joints, and within a month or so she was back to her normal flexibility. Her one leg still turns inward because of the hip dislocation, but she's able to run and jump as normal, she can fully extend her back legs, and she doesn't seem to be in any pain. These worked great!

Want Glyco-Flex II Feline Bite-Sized Chews, 60-Count Discount?

Bought these for my 15-yr-old arthritic cat, Lucky at the advice of my feline-only vet. Prior to starting these, Lucky had been on Cosequin for Cats for several months with no success. He had rear-leg weakness, difficulty standing from a laying position, and was reluctant to be groomed. Other possibilities for these symptoms had been ruled out via blood tests and physical exam. I had my doubts about this product, not only from an effectiveness standpoint but taste, as well. I've never been able to get Lucky to eat a medicine-type treat or vitamin. But my vet said I must try these because she had seen many cats go wild over them.

She was right! Not only does Lucky love them, but I have to work to keep my other cats from stealing his treat!

It took about 6 wks to see improvement, which is consistent with the package info. He is a tall, large-framed cat at 15#, so he gets 2 treats per day--1 in the morning, 1 in the evening--and ALWAYS BEFORE A MEAL so that the medicine in the treat does not upset his stomach. (This is very important.) He now is much more active, runs up the stairs, is climbing onto furniture again, and once again enjoys being brushed. The change has been pretty amazing.

If your cat is suffering from arthritis, PLEASE try these treats. They are worth every penny. But be sure to give them at least 2 months of daily treatment before deciding whether or not they are helping your kitty.

UPDATE 6/22/12: I regret to report that some weeks ago, Lucky began to show less excitement over these treats and gradually quit eating them at all. I was so upset over this because they seemed to be helping him so much. Medical tests showed no decline in his health, so I decided he was simply tired of them after having eaten 2 treats a day for so long.

I reluctantly switched back to Nutramax's Cosequin-based product called Dasuquin (also bought on Amazon). The only difference in the two is that Dasuquin has the added ingredient of "Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables." The reviews on Amazon were very positive.

He's doing pretty well on the Dasuquin supplement, although to get him to eat it, I have to mix it with about a half a spoonful of Gerber's baby food meat (no onion or garlic) and syringe feed it to him a tiny squeeze at a time. He will not touch his canned food with the Dasuquin mixed in.

With other senior cats to care for, as well, I long for the Glyco-Flex II chew days where he would eat his arthritis medicine with no coaxing or extra labor on my part!

I STILL highly recommend Glyco-Flex II Soft Chews for arthritic cats, and that is why I am not modifying my 5-star rating. It can make a world of difference in their happiness, comfort and overall quality of life. It is an important tool in a senior cat owner's "arsenal" given that there are few safe options for pain control in arthritic cats.

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