Pedigree Small-Medium Jumbone Dog Chew, Pack of 6

Pedigree Small-Medium Jumbone Dog Chew, Pack of 6
Customer Ratings: 2.5 stars
List Price: $12.99
Sale Price: $11.04
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I have studied canine nutrition for the last 5 years and one of the biggest negatives I see in many commercial dog food companies is putting profit over care.

In looking at ingredients in treats and food, many companies are fabulous. However, sadly, some put the cheapest ingredients that often even cause negative reactions in dogs into their products and then add flavors to make the dog want them so they continue to be bought.

Ah, but don't take my word for it.

First ingredient in these? Rice Flour. Not meat. Not whole wheat flour. Not brown rice flour. Rice flour...bad carb, no protein, breaks down into sugar. But it gets better. Second main ingredient? SUGAR.

Let me repeat that. This contains mostly sugar.

Yes they are shaped like bones and you feel like you are getting some good protein in and that they aren't like giving your pet hard candy. Naw. That's marketing. They only contain 7% protein and the protein source is derived from "dried meat by product". In other words, meat waste.

But lets go back to sugar. You could give your dog a tablespoon of sugar each day and they would crave that too. But you will also have to pay for extra tartar scrapings from your vet which are stressful to your canine companion or have a pet lose their teeth in their later years.

But I'm just getting started. 3rd ingredient? Wheat flour. Not whole wheat flour...processed and stripped of it's nutriotional value. Cheaper. And of no nutritional value. Cheap.

So you think the fourth ingredient must be some protein huh? Naw, it's Propylene Glycol.

Then powdered cellulose

Then sodium caseinate

but we dont want our dogs to thumb their paws up at such ingredients so natural poultry FLAVOR is then added. This is what some dog companies do, besides adding sugar, to make a product marketable...have it TASTE to the dog like it has something they need or want in it but it just be a flavoring. Then they beg for it and owners think it's great, buy more, and profit is good.


Now then, let me sum this up with the warning under the feeding guide:

"Up to (meaning no more than) 5 sticks every week"

and "not suitable for puppies or dogs under 5 lbs." Yet the jumbone mini with a yorkie on the front has these ingredients and then says not to give it to small dogs! That is called a legal disclaimer should your dog develop issues from the feeding of this product. What more needs to be said?

Yeah, you don't have those warnings about nutritional harm when you just feed your dog some good natural treats or meat.

Animal crackers or saltwater taffy would offer your dog the same taste and ingredients for the most part as these and be cheaper.

I take it back. The above two wouldn't have as many artificial flavors and preservatives.

Don't buy into the hype "big meaty center"

If by "meaty" they mean 'sugar and cellulse" then I agree...

I so hate seeing profit over care for companion animals.

Why did I give it 1 star? I had no choice, but afterall, If you have to go by will your dog like it? You bet! But they like chocolate too...doesn't mean they should eat it.

I am not promoting any particular dog food or treat here...just giving my opinion (based on 5 years of study on the subject on my part) that you may wish to avoid sugar and cheap fillers for anything going into your pet. Animals are so little and dependant upon our choices for them. And, especially if you dont brush their teeth daily as most of us don't, giving them something filled with sugar and bad-carb flours is highly detrimental to thier livers, teeth, livers, kidneys, and full canine systems.

Not to mention the artificial fillers and dried meat by products. Meat waste can have very bad things in it. It's not suitable for human consumption (these include the parts thrown away that may be diseased or tumerous. Yes, seriously, these ARE allowed to be used in dog food.)

And don't even consider the vitamins added. When made into a processed dog food of this type, they get baked out at such high temperatures used in the processing. So consider that teeninsy bit added at the very end of the ingredient list null and void after processing.

Buy em a real soup bone or give them carrots or NATURAL wet dog food or cottage cheese for a treat.

Dogs don't do well on things like this and it can cost you more in their health than the savings on buying a less expensive brand.

I love em (pets) too much not to review this honestly...

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I have studied canine nutrition for the last 5 years and one of the biggest negatives I see in many commercial dog food companies is putting profit over care.

In looking at ingredients in treats and food, many companies are fabulous. However, sadly, some put the cheapest ingredients that often even cause negative reactions in dogs into their products and then add flavors to make the dog want them so they continue to be bought.

Ah, but don't take my word for it.

First ingredient in these? Rice Flour. Not meat. Not whole wheat flour. Not brown rice flour. Rice flour...bad carb, no protein, breaks down into sugar. But it gets better. Second main ingredient? SUGAR.

Let me repeat that. This contains mostly sugar.

Yes they are shaped like bones and you feel like you are getting some good protein in and that they aren't like giving your pet hard candy. Naw. That's marketing. They only contain 7% protein and the protein source is derived from "dried meat by product". In other words, meat waste.

But lets go back to sugar. You could give your dog a tablespoon of sugar each day and they would crave that too. But you will also have to pay for extra tartar scrapings from your vet which are stressful to your canine companion or have a pet lose their teeth in their later years.

But I'm just getting started. 3rd ingredient? Wheat flour. Not whole wheat flour...processed and stripped of it's nutriotional value. Cheaper. And of no nutritional value. Cheap.

So you think the fourth ingredient must be some protein huh? Naw, it's Propylene Glycol.

Then powdered cellulose

Then sodium caseinate

but we dont want our dogs to thumb their paws up at such ingredients so natural poultry FLAVOR is then added. This is what some dog companies do, besides adding sugar, to make a product marketable...have it TASTE to the dog like it has something they need or want in it but it just be a flavoring. Then they beg for it and owners think it's great, buy more, and profit is good.


Now then, let me sum this up with the warning under the feeding guide:

"Up to (meaning no more than) 5 sticks every week"

and "not suitable for puppies or dogs under 5 lbs." Yet the jumbone mini with a yorkie on the front has these ingredients and then says not to give it to small dogs! That is called a legal disclaimer should your dog develop issues from the feeding of this product. What more needs to be said?

Yeah, you don't have those warnings about nutritional harm when you just feed your dog some good natural treats or meat.

Animal crackers or saltwater taffy would offer your dog the same taste and ingredients for the most part as these and be cheaper.

I take it back. The above two wouldn't have as many artificial flavors and preservatives.

Don't buy into the hype "big meaty center"

If by "meaty" they mean 'sugar and cellulse" then I agree...

I so hate seeing profit over care for companion animals.

Why did I give it 1 star? I had no choice, but afterall, If you have to go by will your dog like it? You bet! But they like chocolate too...doesn't mean they should eat it.

I am not promoting any particular dog food or treat here...just giving my opinion (based on 5 years of study on the subject on my part) that you may wish to avoid sugar and cheap fillers for anything going into your pet. Animals are so little and dependant upon our choices for them. And, especially if you dont brush their teeth daily as most of us don't, giving them something filled with sugar and bad-carb flours is highly detrimental to thier livers, teeth, livers, kidneys, and full canine systems.

Not to mention the artificial fillers and dried meat by products. Meat waste can have very bad things in it. It's not suitable for human consumption (these include the parts thrown away that may be diseased or tumerous. Yes, seriously, these ARE allowed to be used in dog food.)

And don't even consider the vitamins added. When made into a processed dog food of this type, they get baked out at such high temperatures used in the processing. So consider that teeninsy bit added at the very end of the ingredient list null and void after processing.

Buy em a real soup bone or give them carrots or NATURAL wet dog food or cottage cheese for a treat.

Dogs don't do well on things like this and it can cost you more in their health than the savings on buying a less expensive brand.

I love em (pets) too much not to review this honestly...

Buy Pedigree Small-Medium Jumbone Dog Chew, Pack of 6 Now

Gave this bone to my dog...the next day, he wouldn't eat or drink anything, was lethargic, vomiting. This continued for 3 days til we took him to the vet. $93 & an IV later, the vet says, yep, it was the Jumbone. It completely messed up his digestive system. No more dog treats for our dog!

Read Best Reviews of Pedigree Small-Medium Jumbone Dog Chew, Pack of 6 Here

I will never buy another pedigree jumbone or any other pedigree product for that matter. The jumbone made my dog very sick. He had dieria for two days from it.

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The first review was more than critical, it was hysterical, biased by what the writer perceives as science as he has learned it. This amazon comment section is not the forum to discuss all his comments -the length of my rebuttal (and queries) would consume more space than is appropriate to this site. Jumbone is a fine product and is generally of high quality. It is a treat, not a food substitute, and it does stimulate some dogs to chew who might not otherwise. It's nonsense to list all those items categorically as "bad." I'm not employed by any company connected with Jumbone, and I don't have any interest in the product other than it keeps my dog healthy and happy. Give us break, will ya?

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