Cade Duck Breast for Dogs, 1-Pound

Cade Duck Breast for Dogs, 1-Pound
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $25.94
Sale Price: $14.49
Today's Bonus: 44% Off
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A shop in my neighborhood has these treats and my Boston Terrier goes crazy for them. But after the Melamine-Chinese dog food scandal of 2007, I will not buy any food products (human or pet) from China. Its crazy that they don't put the origin on the listing. Seller?

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I have tried just about all the types of dog treats (meat) that you can get and my dog will eat none of them (you know, the funky smelling, fake jerkey and the fancy twisted things etc. etc.). She loves this duck jerky though (and I am very tempted to try it myself! LoL). Good stuff if you also have a finicky pooch.

Buy Cade Duck Breast for Dogs, 1-Pound Now

We have 2 yorkies and to say they are picky is an understatement.

They will on occasion eat the jerky treats, but only if they have

not had them in a long time. Then they fail to eat it all, just chew it for a while.

They won't eat soft dog food ( and really, it does not look very

appealing to me either).

The will munch on dry dog food now and then, however, they eat

baby food most of the time. When they are not eating people food.

This product is a hit with them. We bought it originality at the price club. When we saw how well they liked it we went back to get more.

They informed us that what was left was it, and the PC was no longer going to carry it.

My hubby bought the 11 bags. At that point it was a search on

the net to find where we could buy it.

I have not checked all the pet stores, which I will be doing.

This product must taste very good for my dogs to continue to eat

it and at this point, they know the bag!

******* ****** ******

Here we are in july of '10. This is still one of three things our yorkies will eat. They eat baby food and my husband BBq's chicken or ground meat on weekends for them when we grill.

I keep dry kibble down for them and give them a vitamin. I try anyway.

This bag is known by sight. If it is up on the counter, they jump to get it. I can't tell you have many things we have tried over the years.

Yes. I do know they are spoiled. But seem healthy now at 10.

There seems to be slight change in texture. These feel dry, as tho you are at then end of the bag. The dogs seemed to notice at first, but they still love them.

If you have one really picky eater, this is a great choice. This would also be a good training tool.

Read Best Reviews of Cade Duck Breast for Dogs, 1-Pound Here

My dog lived for his chicken breast jerky treats until he was put on a strict duck and potato diet due to an inflamed bowel and food allergies. The vet had me giving him some hypoallergenic dog biscuits to replace the chicken jerky, and my dog was having none of it. (He has never been interested in biscuits.) I found these CADET DUCK BREAST treats (which are dried meat like the chicken jerky), and with my vet's approval I started giving them to my dog. He loves them! No more sad/disgusted dog face at t-r-e-a-t time! In fact, my vet was thrilled to hear about this product and said he would recommend them to his "duck diet" patients in the future.

CADET DUCK BREAST makes for a happier restricted-diet dog which makes for a happier me.

Want Cade Duck Breast for Dogs, 1-Pound Discount?

I would recommend this product to all my friend/Dog Owners. Excellent Product and Dealer. Our dog has allergies, and this product has no adverse affects on him.

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