Mardel Freshwater CopperSafe

Mardel Freshwater CopperSafe
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Sale Price: $8.71
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I have a small tank (5-1/2 gallon) with 4 fancy guppies and 2 cory catfish. One of the catfish developed white spots and red streaks, appeared to have balance problems & stopped eating, while all of the other fish seemed to remain healthy. I am new at keeping fish, and admit I have no idea exactly what was affecting this catfish. I removed him to a hospital tank and dosed him with a different product which clearly hurt rather than helped. I returned him to the main tank and dosed it with a combination of Mardel Coppersafe and Maracyn Two. This caused no adverse reaction from any of the fish, and the ailing catfish began to look better. After five days of the combination meds, the catfish has no signs of distress and the spots and red streaks have completely disappeared. I hadn't thought he would survive, but he is now busily searching for food and he looks healthy. I will continue treatment with Coppersafe for a total of 30 days to be sure there are no more infestations in the tank or filter. Coppersafe does not die the water blue nor does it stain the tank. Mardel Customer Service was easy to reach and very helpful when I had questions about their products. Coppersafe used with Maracyn Two treats a wide spectrum of problems and certainly worked well for me.

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When my guppy fry were a couple weeks old I noticed some of them flashing (rubbing) against the tank decorations. The next symptom was that their caudal, dorsal, and pelvic fins would clamp up to the point where they looked like they were no longer there (I started suspecting fin rot). Eventually they would grow listless and just kind of float at the top of the tank, refusing any offered food. Shortly after they stopped swimming and eating I would find them dead somewhere in the tank. I couldn't see any white specs or fuzzy fungus, so doing research always left me kind of guessing at what might be wrong.

I finally saw some pictures and read up on Gyrodactylus (skin flukes) and the symptoms matched almost exactly. I started off treatment with ParaGuard and Maracyn-Two, but did not see any improvement in the guppies that were already at the clamped fin stage. I finally decided to give this a try as a last resort. I was hesitant to use this at first because I've read that copper treatments can be risky and because my fry are just a little over a month old I didn't know how it would affect them. Coppersafe apparently uses chelated copper that is broken down easier and absorbed by the fish with less harmful effects. I crossed my fingers and dosed the tank according to the directions. About 24 hours after adding the Coppersafe, no more clamped fins! All the guppy fry are looking so much healthier and happier! Some of them are still flashing, but I imagine they may be trying to get the rest of the dead (and/or dying) flukes off.

Its also very convenient that you don't have to remove the carbon filter and it didn't affect my water parameters whatsoever. Highly recommended! (Just a note, there are warnings on the box about not using the product with invertebrates and certain sensitive fish. I have corydoras in my other tank and treated it with half the recommended dosage while keeping a close watch on them. They seem fine so far, but I would recommend caution if you have corys or other scaleless fish.)

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I researched this product and found it recommended by many people, it worked just as described. I had contracted a bad case of anchor worms in my tank and was concerned that medication would harm the Blue Lobster that lives with my fish. This products direction said it can be used with invertebrates in the tank. I am pleased to say, this product has cleared up the infection and we are all happy including the Blue Lobster.

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Doesn't say anywhere in the instruction that it may be harmful, but it killed my BN pleco. I did the research afterward that I should have done in the first place and found that this is a common complaint. My low rating is because it should have a warning about the risk to those kinds of fish, not just invertebrates and plants. The tank didn't have ich, I was just using it as a preventative.

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