Barkworthies - Natural Elk Antler Large

Barkworthies - Natural Elk Antler Large
Customer Ratings: 2 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $19.49
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When I first bought the antler the picture was shown with a box of antlers, therefore I mistakenly thought I would get at least a few but received only one. That's my fault for not reading the description more carefully. The antler I got was just under 6 inches. For a "large" I thought it would be at least 8? So for $17 I'm feeling a little jipped. The only redeeming part is that my dog does love to chew on this.

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My dog LOVES Barkworthies antlers that I have purchased from a local store. I ordered two more from Amazon hoping to get a better price on the same product. The antlers I received are labeled "Large" but are SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than the ones from my local store, no more than 1/3 the size of what I'm used to. They are so small that I do not feel safe giving them to my 55 lb dog. I will upload a picture so you can see a comparison of the two antlers side by side. Both are supposedly Barkworthies Large Elk Antlers. I have purchased at least 6 similar antlers locally so I'm sure their size is not fluke.

I recommend going up at least one to two sizes from what you would expect to need when ordering.

Buy Barkworthies - Natural Elk Antler Large Now


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