Kyjen Dog Games Puzzle Paw Flapper

Kyjen Dog Games Puzzle Paw Flapper
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $17.99
Sale Price: $9.99
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My dog has NEVER wanted to play with any sort of dog toy, she won't even play fetch (she's kind of a weird dog in that way). However, I do know how much she loves her treats. Our dog is 14 years old, she can not hear at all anymore her vision is going, but she is still very playful with us. My dad thought it was a silly idea for me to waste my money on this item as our dog can't even eat hard food anymore. However, I know my dog and had faith that she would love this item. We broke it out on Christmas day...put a treat in it and the dog went to town. Our dog loved it. She might be deaf, her sight might be going, we will probably even have to put her down soon, but she still has a great since of smell. My dad even said "Well, I guess you can teach old dogs new tricks". Thank you for letting me see my dog SO excited over something again!

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As you can tell, my girl LOVES this toy. The Paw Flapper is challenging enough that it takes her some time to get all the treats (or her dinner!) from it yet not so challenging that she'll give up. It's one she sits up and begs for when I'm pulling toys off the shelf.

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I have a daschund/jack russell mix and although this is a really good concept and sturdy toy... she figured out how to get all of the treats out in about 5 minutes.

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It took my dog less than 2 minutes to get all the treats on the first try (that was actually less time than it took me to fill it up). She sniffed it for 20 seconds, noticed it rotated slightly, looked at me for five seconds to seek permission she can get the treats (she is trained to not eat anything until given a command to do so), opened one flap, and then pushed the flap around to get all eight treats. I actually had to laugh because I opened up each of the flap and rotated it once to fill all eight chambers, which was less efficient than her tactic. Much like her kong ball (which I have learned to fill with large, odd shaped treats that don't come out when she hurls the ball to the ground), I am going to have to rig this toy (put something that doesn't allow it to rotate) so she has to modify her tactic.

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I got my dog the Paw Flapper because he's a Basset Hound mix and loves to use his nose. He's also pretty smart, so keeping him occupied can be difficult. Unfortunately, this is a super simple puzzle. The first time he played with it, it took him about ten minutes to find all the treats. The next time, it took five minutes. There really isn't anything that challenging about it. Opening the flaps takes my dog a second, and all he has to do is keep pushing his nose into the holes to rotate the top and find all the treats. He had fun, but then it's a toy full of treats, so that's a given.

The puzzle does seem to be well made though, so it's not a bad product. It just isn't challenging enough. I'll be returning it and trying one of the other puzzles.

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