Medium Elk Antler Dog Chew 4-6 Oz

Medium Elk Antler Dog Chew 4-6 Oz
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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Sale Price: $6.40
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It's simple. If you own a young little terror, and they're wanting to seriously chew on something then you're done for. I mean it this puppy has killed shoes, slippers, my kids toys, and just about every dog toy we can get (including those weak-ass kong chew toys). She's not that big either just a brindled runt german-shepard/chow chow mix so she's a small-medium size dog at 8 months, but man, can she chew!

We first found these for much more $$$ at a local dog store, but at $25+ each for a little one, I was more inclined to hike in a national park and hope to find one, rather than pay that kind of money per bone. What's more, the Colorado sources for these locally only ship a minimum of 2 pounds and it costs $20 to ship along with $40 of product and what am I gonna do with 8 of these!

So, if you're not wanting to stock a pile of bones, here's the deal these are perfect for 40+ pound dogs. The one I got had a knuckle on it, and I'd definitely put this on the heavier side of 6oz and maybe 8oz. Ever since she got it, weird things showing up chewed have been less frequent.

I mean seriously folks, we raise these animals to kill small live animals for us but we never let them keep their catches, so this is a great compromise they get a nice bone to chew on, and you keep them from plotting world domination like the evil cats of the world.

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