Nutri-Vet Pet Ease Soft Chews, 2.5 Ounce

Nutri-Vet Pet Ease Soft Chews, 2.5 Ounce
Customer Ratings: 2.5 stars
List Price: $4.11
Sale Price: $0.50
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We have four cats and none of them would touch these treats. I was really hoping they would like them because I like that they are supposed to have a calming effect. Whenever we go out of town it is very stressful on our cats so it would have been nice if these treats would work I have no idea if they do work, however, since the cats wouldn't eat them. I am a professional pet sitter so I brought the treats to a few of my clients' homes and none of their cats would touch them either.

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I bought these because I needed to try something, but I couldn't see how it would work--none of the active ingredients looked like they would help. I was wrong.

My cat was very relaxed and friendly until about two months ago. I had to take him with me on a very long road trip, in spite of the fact that he hated the car. A month away from home he had to be rushed to the vet for emergency surgery, then a month after that we drove home. Add a complete diet change to all that and I had one very stressed cat. He wouldn't sit near me, he'd slink around low to the ground with his ears back, and he'd jump at every unexpected noise. Most of his time was spent hiding under the furniture.

The vet suggested a lower dose of the painkillers she'd given him after surgery, but that had several unpleasant effects. I tried this, and the change was immediate. He's not quite back to his old friendly self, but he doesn't hide under the furniture or sneak around anymore, he isn't startled by loud noises, and today (day two) he actually sat next to me and let me scratch in front of his ears. He's not groggy like he was on the painkillers.

He loves the taste of these. In fact, I've got the package in front of me for reference, and he's climbing up my back trying to get at it. Amazon may owe me a new shirt.

The package lists active ingredients per five treats (chamomile 45mg, ginger root extract 35mg, hops 45mg, taurine 20mg and tryptophan 10mg,) but dose is 3 treats daily for cats 7 pounds or less, or six treats daily for cats over 7 pounds. There are about 45 in the package. It also warns that you shouldn't exceed seven days in a row, and it's not for pregnant cats. And while I'm typing up the label, it has the National Animal Supplement Council seal, and is made in the USA.

My cat is 11 pounds, and I'm only giving him three a day, about eight hours apart. It seems like it's exactly what he needed, with no side effects so far.

Buy Nutri-Vet Pet Ease Soft Chews, 2.5 Ounce Now

These are the best when nail clipping time comes around! 3-4 of these 1 hour before with my cat and no horror show. Clip away and he's done.

Read Best Reviews of Nutri-Vet Pet Ease Soft Chews, 2.5 Ounce Here

Our cat will not touch this product. Nutri-Vet Pet ease soft chews. The aroma drives her away. The other cat that eats anything won't touch it either. No good recommendation, never buy it again

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I just noticed that in the picture the treats look pink, but the ones I got they were black.

Anyway, I thought this would be a good treat for my friend's old cat since they were soft. I wanted to test them out with my cats first to see if they would like them. I have four cats and neither of them would eat it, they would smell it and that's it. It was pretty obvious they didn't like them, and they have eaten other cat treats before. I then tried my friend's cat, he also wouldn't eat them.

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