Purina Busy Bone Ultimate Chew Dog Treat

Purina Busy Bone Ultimate Chew Dog Treat
Customer Ratings: 3 stars
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Sale Price: $7.44
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I was looking for chews to keep my dog busy while he recovers from a minor paw injury (no walks or running for two weeks). I saw the busy bone and thought I'd give it a try, mostly because it was on sale. When I got home, I read some reviews about it and felt concerned, as some felt the bones were dangerous. However, I am one to regularly give my dog rawhide, and have never had a problem with it before. Following the same caution I do with his other bones (mainly, supervision), I went ahead and gave the busy bone a go. I was actually more impressed than I thought I'd be. Other reviewers laid claim that their dog was easily able to get large chunks off the bone and that it only lasted a few minutes, and this was not so for my dog; he gnawed away contently, only getting very small pieces off smaller than the size of a dime. He chewed heavily for about 40 minutes before panting and needing to take a water break and then nap: half the bone is still there waiting to be chewed. I was glad he was able to get a good workout during his recovery.

I will say that the bone was more messy than I liked. There are small crumbs scattered about where he was chewing it, and even got some small pieces stuck to his chin. Yet, this would not stop me from purchasing the bone a second time.

Ultimately, I'd probably not recommend the bone for very strong chewers. My dog, a greyhound, I'd consider a moderate chewer who can do damage if he really wants to, but doesn't have a natural urge to demolish toys like other breeds (Labradors come to mind...and I mean this affectionately, as I have lived with several!). Additionally, I don't know that I'd get any size other than the "ultimate" that was 15oz. I could see where a smaller diameter of bone might be easier to snap, so regardless of your dog's size, I'd probably go with the biggest and thickest for safety. And, of course, be at the ready to rescue your dog should they show signs of choking...not a toy for alone time.

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The package says 1 per week and chewing time will vary between dogs, lol. I have large dogs and knew it wouldn't come close to lasting a week but thought it might make a day or two, what a laugh. I gave it to my dog and left the room for 15 minutes when I got back there was nothing but crumbs left. Little pricey for a 15 minute treat. The dog did love the flavor but won't be buying these again.

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