Purina Veterinary Diets Dental Chews Canine Treats

Purina Veterinary Diets Dental Chews Canine Treats
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $9.98
Sale Price: $5.99
Today's Bonus: 40% Off
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I have given my maltese these all her life, & she is 5 yrs old now. She can't chew a whole one in a week even, but she loves them. They are healthy treats, assist in reducing tartar build up, and give her busy little self something to do. I have never had any negative issues with these treats. Would recommend to anyone as long as their vet approves them.

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This is a great product! My little dog loves these treats. Not only does it give my dog something to play and chew with, these rawhides really do clean his teeth!

Buy Purina Veterinary Diets Dental Chews Canine Treats Now

Our dog is quite the chewer, and so we were looking for something that would take a while for him to chew, but would also be good for his dental health.

After using Purina Dental Chewz for less than a month, a piece of one of them lodged in our dog's esophagus. Our dog almost lost his life. The vet said she has never seen an esophagus so torn up.

Buyer beware.

Read Best Reviews of Purina Veterinary Diets Dental Chews Canine Treats Here

My dogs love love love these chews. However I'm buying from locate vet now @ $5 per box and a 10 minute drive to pick them up. I can buy 2 boxes for the price since shipping is 4.95 & 5.65 chews. Do the math and buy locally. Usually you can not beat Amazon for deals on anything however this one is a huge "miss". Fix the shipping and I'll reconsider just for the convenience. If you are home bound and must buy this way I'd still say to shop around the web first for a better deal or a bulk deal.

**7/15/13** price on individual box changed from 5.59 to 10.99! I guess including the shipping cost IN the price was supposed to be better than having a shipping price which was almost the same as price of item? LOL.

These chews are fantastic and you dog will love and carry them everywhere, haven't encounter a dog yet willing to give up their 'chewy'.....but most vets stock these and even they only charge $5 bucks a box. Amazon does fantastic with shipping and rates, but this particular seller does not. Raising the price per box to include the same overpriced shipping doesn't fool anyone. You can get this product at any big box pet store or your vet. $$4.99 $5.59

Product: 5 Stars

Price / Shipping Cost: 1 Star

Want Purina Veterinary Diets Dental Chews Canine Treats Discount?

I had been giving my dogs beef bones but my vet recommended the Purina Dental Chews instead. He said the bones are hard on their enamel and eventually will break the dog's teeth. Also, he has had to remove so many bone chards from dogs' intestines, that he does not recommend bones. My dogs love the Purina Dental Chews and when we ran out, they just stared at the box!

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