Halo Liv-a-Littles Freeze Dried Chicken Treats 2.25oz (2-pack)

Halo Liv-a-Littles Freeze Dried Chicken Treats 2.25oz
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $21.46
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The furkids do not agree on many things, but they all come together in perfect harmony when I give them their Chicken Treats in the a.m. and p.m. It's an amazing sight: they will stop whatever they are doing, wherever they are (even napping in the late afternoon's last sunbeam), and will come thundering from any corner of the house to assemble in a semi-circle, their little face turned up at me, tongues out in anticipation. KatKat will even attempt to unscrew the top to help the process along. I know they all say something like: gimmemegimmegimmemegimmegimmemegimmegimmemegimmegimmemegimmegimmemegimme & MORE! It comes out as meowwwmeowwww! I have to keep these treats under lock and key; they know how to unfasten the kitchen cabinet doors and have, at other times, snuck un-anothorized treats. Even these have bite and claw marks on the plastic. Amazing stuff! Is it really just chicken?! :)

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Will buy again my cat loves these and has to have them before I go to bed.

My other cat doesn't care for them. Try a small one first and start when their kittens.

Buy Halo Liv-a-Littles Freeze Dried Chicken Treats 2.25oz (2-pack) Now

My cats love these. They are very hard to find anywhere but here. They used to be available in the pet stores but no longer. Must refrigerate after opening. They are a little pricy but a healthy treat for your cat.

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Our cat LOVES this stuff. Now she hounds me for it as her treat every morning. She gets very vocal. haha.

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I have a Russian Blue rescue who, over the years, has become pickier and pickier. He won't even touch his food without these tasty treats sprinkled over it. He loves them!!!

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