Purina Busy Bone Mini ChewBone Dog Treats

Purina Busy Bone Mini ChewBone Dog Treats
Customer Ratings: 2.5 stars
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Sale Price: $6.55
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"Busy" Bone? these are grossly overpriced for what they are. My dog is "busy" for about 5 minutes and then it is gone. When will anyone make something that a dog can really chew on. As for smaller dogs, each one should be cut into at least 4 pieces. what a rip off.

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My dog is a 7lb Yorkie/Maltese mix. He loved these bones, but they are so messy that I did not like for him to have them. Anyway the last one I had for him, he swallowed the end of the bone and it got lodged in his esophagus. $660 later, it was removed and his esophagus is damaged. Hopefully it will heal, but I will NEVER let any dog I know have these bones! They are dangerous...please know that I was sitting right by him when this happened. It was so fast, that I didn't even know he swallowed it. I thought he ate it, but later when he kept throwing up water and wheezing, I realize what had happened. Be careful.

Buy Purina Busy Bone Mini ChewBone Dog Treats Now

If you are planning on buying this product from this vendor be aware that you will be spending a lot of money for a product that is not worth such a price. Four mini busy bones wound up costing me over $9.00. Holy mackerel! I could have bought my dog a steak and it would have been cheaper. I'd be aware of this vendor, Honey Bee Market/ Jason Reel.

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This is a good product for medium sized dogs. It keeps them busy for a little while and they seem to love them.

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Both of my 16-lb Lhasa Apsos love these busy bone treats. I will say, it's not really a bone; it's more like a "hard" treat. My dogs enjoy this special treat once every two weeks, and they seem to last through several days of chewing!

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