Barkworthies - Natural Elk Antler Medium

Barkworthies - Natural Elk Antler Medium
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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Sale Price: $8.99
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I have several dogs and got one of these in medium to see how it went over with my pups. Most of my dogs nibbled on it for awhile and moved on, but one of my beagles LOVED it and carries it around with him, keeping it away from the other dogs and chews on it for long periods. Most of my dogs are all about instant gratification and want their chewing to produce something that they can actually eat without a long wait for it, so they tired of this when it didn't 'produce'. If your dog likes to chew for the sake of chewing though, like my Mr. Good Boy, then this will be a hit. It's sturdy, very long lasting and the medium was the perfect size for my beagles, beagle mixes and pit bull that range in size from 17 pounds to 60.

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My problem is moreso with the antler size than anything else.

Amazon says these 'Medium' antlers are 6" long. Well, mine was barely 5" .

It might not seem like a big deal, but as anyone who has purchased an antler for their dog knows, and inch can take a couple weeks to a couple months to chew down...

So, yeah, basically, I feel a bit ripped off. Sorry Amazon, but this time you dropped the ball.

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When the dimensions say 6" x 1" x .5", I expect something close to that. NOT 4.5" x 1 x .75. Am debating a return, but will buy in person at my local store next time, even if it requires a special order.

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I just received my third order of these antlers and was extremely disappointed. The antler I received was about 4 inches long and only 1 inch thick on the one side and maybe 1/2 inch thick on the other side. It is easily 1/3 of the size of the other two antlers I've ordered and in my opinion does not qualify as a "medium" antler. I will never order this product again because I definitely paid too much for what I received.

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We have a little guy that is what you would call a powerful chewer. I ordered one of these to see how he liked them in comparison to what we were getting at the big box pet store. He loved it, and so did our other dog. To avoid fights (even though there are still some old ones around), I ordered a second one. I have some interesting observations having received two deliveries. The two antlers (from separate orders) were different sizes (by a couple of inches), color (dark brown vs. light grey), and durability. The second one is easily 6 or 7 inches compared to the first that was about 4.5 inches. While both orders do the job, I am much more satisfied with the second one that the first. I am considering trying a different brand next time to see if things change. However, I'm wondering if this might be a product that is better bought in person? That way I could make the choice about which one to buy rather than leaving the decision to someone in a warehouse. I guess time will tell.

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