Kitty Cat Grass Kit

Kitty Cat Grass Kit
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $8.55
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It did as it was advertised; in under a week I had a nice little container full of grass. Two of my cats loved it, the third was not interested, but that is normal for her. The only complaint I have is that the container is too light. When one of the cats would try to chew off a stem, the container would lift off the ground, making it really hard for them to break the stem off. I ended up having to hold it for them, which means I can't just leave it out for them to nibble as they please.

A note for kitten owners: My 5 month old kitten had trouble eating this, I think his teeth aren't spaced quite right yet to be able chew the stems off. I ended up tearing little pieces off and popping them in his mouth, which he was perfectly ok with, the lazy bugger. So if you're buying for kittens, you may want to hold off until they're grown.

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Followed the simple directions, in two days had tons of sprouts and in a little over week had a container thick with grass. One of the better performing kits I have bought, cats loved it. Would buy again!

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I have 18 cats at home.. yes, 18 cats, my home is a little cat shelter, most of them were raised by me and my wife after they were abandoned to their luck, most of them just having a week old, some others were picked from the street starving and cold... we just love them and they loved the grass, really nice product, comes with everything you need and in a matter of 3-4 days you have nice and yummy grass for them to enjoy...

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Grows fast and just like the directions say; this stuff sprouted and grew immediately. Cat loves it.

That being said, I agree with reviews stating the product is too light -my cat is flipping this over constantly. The soil clumps well and the roots get tangled up so it doesn't make a huge mess, but it DOES mean that now I have some funny sideways-growing grass and I have to constantly fix it for my cat.

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This Kitty Grass is Great! Both of my Cats eat it like they were Cows. I find I am constantly growing new batches for them as they go through it so fast.

Make your Cat happy and try some.

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