Natural Dog Treats W/Diatomaceous earth

Natural Dog Treats W/Diatomaceous earth
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $12.00
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My dog doesn't have worms but by feeding him these biscuits I'm sure he'll never get them. He paws at me around 7:30 pm every evening because he knows it's time for him to have one and he just can't wait. There are about 25 bone shaped biscuits per box and the price plus shipping is less on Amazon than on the Earthworks site.

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These have wheat in them. Most dogs are allergic to wheat. There's penty of different types of flowers that could be used.

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I've been looking for these and my dog loves them. I plan to buy more and give him one each day. They are all natural just as stated.

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