Pet Naturals of Vermont Calming For Cats Softchew

Pet Naturals Calming for Cats
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: $5.99
Sale Price: $4.89
Today's Bonus: 18% Off
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We got a cat from the shelter. He is scared of everything and always trys to hide behind our kitchen cabinets. After convincing him to come out, I gave him two "treats"(he is actually 15 lbs and loves them!). After a while he calmed down. He is now lying next to me taking a nap... great stuff!

I found it at Kroger for less than 3 USD.

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Taking your companion to the vet is stressful no matter how much care you take, and no matter how calm your feline friend appears to be. Give your kitty one or two of these delicious treats a few hours before the planned visit (which he will gobble up) and it will make his visit a breeze. This stuff really works!

Other uses: other traveling, holiday visitors. I've been looking for something like this for years and will use it from now on. Oddly enough, neither of my two regular vets had any knowledge of this product. Instead, when I inquired, they prescribed a sleep aid which just gave me a groggy and upset kitty. I suppose we need health care reform when it comes to vets as well. ;)

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I have a rescued alley cat, and after we got him fattened up and happy, he has a tendency to go crazy whenever he hears any kind of noise. Living in an apartment, the poor thing always had "crazy kitty eyes", and would freak out and scratch anything in sight.

Not only do these little "treats" work, but when I shake the bag he comes running for them. The first time I gave him one, I had to put it in his wet food, and trick him into eating it. Once he did though, he's loved them every since.

Nothing like a product that actually works, and that my kitten loves. Win, win.

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We bought these for our 11 year old cat. We'd recently moved, and since she was a little upset about that we thought this may help her with the transition. On maybe 8 different occasions, we gave her one of these treats (only one in a 24 hour period). About 6 out of 8 times, she vomited a few hours after ingestion. Since she isn't a cat that really ever vomits, hairballs or otherwise, we've attributed it to the harshness of these treats. Since we stopped trying to give her these treats about one month ago, she hasn't vomited since.

We just allow her to have dry cat food, water, and Greenies dental treats sometimes. Since she has a fairly bland diet, it may have just been too much for her. In case there are people who are also considering buying these that have a cat with a similar diet, we thought we'd post this review. Hope it helps!

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These chews must be delicious because all the cats want them. I have used them for 2 cats who are scrapping it out for their level in the cat hierarchy of this household. It makes them less combative toward each other and they are settling down.

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