Chasing Our Tails Elk Rack Snack, 100-Percent All Naturally Shed ElkAntler Chew, Large Size 7-Inch

Chasing Our Tails Elk Rack Snack, 100-Percent All Naturally Shed ElkAntler Chew, Large Size 7-Inch to 10-Inch, For up to 75# Dogs
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $24.99
Sale Price: $17.99
Today's Bonus: 28% Off
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I just got back from the vet, and I felt compelled to write this review. Hopefully some pet owners out there will take this review into consideration before purchasing antlers for their dog. Our 1.5 year old corgi just got his back molar extracted because antlers fractured his teeth. We were hoping to save it by doing a root canal and placing a crown on, but it was fractured so bad that it's not even an option.

When I was buying antlers for our Corgi, I thought that it was the best thing out. I didn't mind paying for the expensive antlers because they were suppose to natural and good for my dog. When we went to the Veterinary Specialist today who specializes in dentistry for dogs, she said that the fact that these companies claim that antlers clean your dog's teeth is a myth and many dogs end up fracturing their teeth from chewing on antlers.

Please take this into consideration when purchasing antlers!! I thought i did my research when it comes to antlers, but my poor 1.5 year old Corgi just lost one of his most important molars and i'm out $2,118.59.

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We have three Golden Retrievers from age 1 /2 6 years old. We located this product at a large Christmas craft fair last December. We brought two of them home to give to the two older dogs. They absolutly LOVE them.!

They'll get tired of their toys but when we bring out this ELK ANTLER chew, they get all excited and could chew away for hours (if we let them. It's amazing how long they have lasted! These are a GREAT VALUE for the money considering that we have not had to buy any other chew sticks, etc. for them all year long.

We also met the owner and creator of this product at the fair. A very nice gentleman who is genuinely interested more in the pets health & happiness vs. just trying to make a sale.

I cannot imagine dog owner being disappointed.

Buy Chasing Our Tails Elk Rack Snack, 100-Percent All Naturally Shed ElkAntler Chew, Large Size 7-Inch Now

I had read about antlers as dog chews and asked my vet if he thought they were safe. He said yes, so I ordered 2 for my German Shepherds. I hoped they would love them since they cost $20 each.. They both absolutely love them and I'm sure they will last a long time. It's nice that they don't smell or leave a yucky residue on carpet. I also appreciated that they were available with Prime shipping.

My dogs are strong chewers, so I need very durable toys. I have wasted money on some durable toys because my dogs aren't interested in them.

The antlers are a winner!

Read Best Reviews of Chasing Our Tails Elk Rack Snack, 100-Percent All Naturally Shed ElkAntler Chew, Large Size 7-Inch Here

We've been purchasing Elk Antlers for our 50lb labradoodle for over a year now, he's a very aggressive chewer and there are few toys that he doesn't get through quickly (5 minutes for a black kong...). The local store's price on the antlers went through the roof -$30 for a "jumbo" which was very thin and only about 7" long! So, I went in search of a more reasonable seller and found these via Amazon. I ordered one for 50-75lb dog -it's about 1.5" diameter and 8-9" long. My dog has been chewing on it avidly for 2 weeks and there's little sign of wear, so the quality is equal to the overpriced ones from the local store, at less than half the price. Overall, I'm very pleased and will definitely be purchasing more of these. Very highly recommend for any avid chewer!

Want Chasing Our Tails Elk Rack Snack, 100-Percent All Naturally Shed ElkAntler Chew, Large Size 7-Inch Discount?

Technical Aspects:

The elk rack looks different from the picture, probably because since these are animal parts, every animal is different. It is thick at the base and thinner at the end. Upon measuring it with a straight edge ruler, mine is around 8 inches long NOT accounting for the curve, which would make it longer. I think it's thick enough at the thickest base part, is exactly 3 inches wide; at the thinnest part, it is about the width of a nickel. It doesn't smell at all. Also, if this thing lasts more than two weeks with my master chewer (see below), I would totally buy this again but I'll certainly update this review if I have to replace it in less than a month (a month would be amazing considering my situation).

Full Review:

I HIGHLY recommend this elk bone for the disgruntled toy/bone buyer with an aggressive and busy chewer. My annoying search for the ultimate toy/bone has finally come to an end!

My 8 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix makes it her mission to tear apart and destroy every single toy I give her. No problem, but then she eats the stuffing, or the squeakers, or the wool, etc. She eats it all. Then it comes out of her in the backyard, or in the occasional vomit. But indestructible toys are of no interest to her she likes a puzzle. I also tried the huge femur bones, but once she chews at it and gets her teeth in the hole, she cracks off pieces, which she'll swallow if I don't catch her. So I was left with nothing. I ordered this rack due to the reviews because without having given her something new for her to chew, she was going crazy. Waiting and waiting, I gave her old Amazon boxes and paper towel tubes to destroy because she won't swallow them, but they only keep her busy for 2 minutes.


The moment I handed her this glorious new toy/bone, she did what she always does, take it happily and prance about displaying her new toy. She put it down, smelled and licked it then gripped it with her teeth. For the next 15 minutes, she did not let it go (I watched her to see how long she'd be interested). When she had to go potty, she still didn't let it go. Did her business with it in her mouth, came back in. When we took her out to visit the vet on an unrelated matter, she STILL wouldn't let it go as we put on her harness. It wasn't until we were out the door and she knew she was going somewhere that she dropped it!

After coming back home, she immediately found the bone in her cage and has been playing with it for the last 1.5 hours. 30 minutes ago, she took a five minute break but came back to it. She keeps taking it around the house to chew it in different places. She is still mesmerized by this thing and I can hear her teeth really grinding down on it, *trying* to destroy it somehow! I love this thing.

NEVER has this dog ever treated any toy/bone as preciously as this, and NEVER has this kind of attention-grabbing toy/bone lasted so long. Usually the more compelling treats are devoured instantly (like bully sticks) and the longer lasting toys are either simply not interesting to her at all (like those durable plastic toys) or become dangerous upon breaking apart because she loves to destroy.

*One Day Later* this bone never leaves her mouth. At most it has slight dents and ground-off color, but it's totally intact AND she has not stopped chewing at it since I handed it to her a day ago. This is a miracle!

*Three Days Later* same! See picture, which I uploaded to show 3 full days of incessant chewing and grinding! My boyfriend and I are so insanely happy with this thing so we will always pick it up and bring it to her bed on the floor at night so she can chew it to sleep and then chew it in the morning when she's anxious to get up and be fed and starts pestering everyone and the cat! Plus, it is still barely affected by her constant grinding teeth and not one piece has broken off. It seems to have some kind of lasting flavor and appeal because she simply doesn't tire of chewing at it when she's restless (which is all day, every day)! I LOVE this bone. And she spends hours throughout the day chewing on it. For real! I call it her "horn" because she carries it around all the time at its base with the tip pointing up and out like she's blowing a horn.

*9 Days Later* same! The bone is slightly more ground down, but she comes back to it every morning and throughout the day like it's her 'binkie.' In fact, my boyfriend's mom was asking about it because she was astonished at its appeal and now wants one for her dog!

*Several months later (October 15, 2012) After three months of incessant chewing, the antler bone got down to about 3 inches, and I had to take it away from her before she tried to swallow it whole! Still highly recommended! I ended up giving her a new antler bone and she continued to love it! There will be a couple weeks that go by without her chewing it because she'll lose it somewhere and I can't find it, but every so often when I find it, she's back in business!

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