Classic Navy Blue 3 Wheel Pet Stroller

Classic Navy Blue 3 Wheel Pet Stroller
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Sale Price: $48.48
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So I've had this stroller now for 8 months and I LOOOOOVE it!!! It's light, easy to open and fold... has all these compartment... came with a rain cover... is sturdy and extremely well put together. Not to mention the PRICE!!!!!

I was really worried and disappointed at first, that the wheels as so "plasticky" and that it would get ruined easily. NOT.. so far it has handled all types of terrain, even ground pebbles.

I bought this mainly for my 14 yr old Lhasa Apso who has a spleen tumor and bronchitis, therefore he can't really walk too far/long. And also because some retail stores don't mind if the dogs are inside the stroller, which is great so I don't have to leave them home all the time.

I am able to fit 2 small dogs inside just fine, (one is 17lbs and the other is 20lbs), though seller doesn't recommend it. They just cannot lay down to sleep when together, but when my 14 yr old is there alone, he will sleep tight on his side and even snore.. lol

I did have a PROBLEM though, during the first week of using it, and was so upset, that I thought I had to return it... But a quick call to BestPet Customer Service, made all the difference.

What happened was that the front wheel would get stuck sideways and not move forwards when making a turn. I had to manually adjust it in order to continue strolling.

The other thing was the latches on each side responsible to locking when you open it and unlocking when folding it down. UNLOCKING was so hard, so hard, I had to get my husband to do it, and even he had a hard time.

THE FIX ------> As per BestPet Customer Service.... rub a piece of SOAP BAR where possible. So at the front wheel, there's the plastic piece where you connected the wheel for the first time... Take it out.. then rub as much soap bar inside it. I did put some WD-40 too.

Same thing for the side latches. Soap and WD-40!!!

And it has worked great since I did this.. ONCE... 8 months ago!!!

So my overall review is A+ for this stroller!!!! Love it, love it!!

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I bought this to cart our two dachshunds to pet expos and shopping. Sometimes the wheels stick when turning corners, but for the cost it's a pretty handy stroller to have. Nice height, don't have to bend over at all to steer it which was vital for our backs.

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My fiancee and I rescued a cross-eyed, autistic kitten from the side of the road named Prince in 2009. He was an indoor cat but always loved to sit by windows and watch the outside. He especially loved to stare into the sun...not something we would allow him to do when we caught him, but he loved it nonetheless.

We wanted him to be able to go outside without having to let him out there is no way he would know to get back home, the vet especially warned us to keep him as an indoor cat because he was so "special." We were hit with a great idea a pet stroller!

He only used it a couple of times in his life, and he was scared if he was in it alone. He felt a lot safer when we put his best cat buddy Darwin in the stroller with him, they both were completely silent and looking out of the mesh screens with awe they especially loved the fall leaves and how they would crunch under the wheels!

Prince unfortunately passed away due to aggressive lymphoma in Jan 2011 now this pet stroller is only a sad reminder of his fragile little life, until we rescue or adopt another cat who might enjoy it of course. This one is big enough to hold 2 full grown cats or a small dog with room to spare, and is extremely sturdy and reliable. I would buy it for any other crazy cat-crazy (or small-dog-crazy) person if I knew one.

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Bought this for my cat, who is a registered therapy pet. He is a 14-pound, long-haired black cat. He and I both got tired and hot when I had to carry him on visits--especially to nursing homes where they keep the temp very warm, and we have to move around a lot. We got permission to test with a stroller, and have now used it on several visits.

I know a couple of people posted that they had problems with the wheels falling off, but if the stroller is assembled correctly, this cannot happen. The problem is that the instructions assume that the rear axle is already assembled, so directions are not included. In the box is a small bag containing 4 washers, 2 pins (look like short hair pins), and two wheel caps. The rear axle has rubber bands wrapped around the ends. Remove the rubber bands. Insert washer, wheel, washer, pin, cap. Before assembling, you will see a small hole toward the end of the axle. After you put on the washer, wheel, washer, you insert the pin through this hole. It's a tight fit, but it can be done. The straight end goes through the hole, then the curved side fits around the outside of the axle. Once that's done, pop on the wheel caps and you're done! (Wish I had thought to take pictures during assembly--hopefully, this is enough information to assist.)

All in all, every part of this stroller is well made--from the heavy fabric, to the "shock absorbers," to the frame, the soft fleecy cushion in the stroller, and cushioned handle. I also love all the storage for carrying everything I require on visits. It is absolutely perfect for my needs, and at a great price! My cat and I enjoy visits so much more with this stroller.

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I was a bit skeptical, at first, when I read all the reviews about the wheels and what not, but in all honesty, this is built better than an actual infant stroller. The front wheel was easy to slip on (and sometimes it gets stuck, but I've only had it a day and I've only used it once so far.) Delivery said it would between Friday, April 13th, and Wed. April 18th. It got here on Thursday, April 12th. Pulled it out of the box and it was freakin' HUGE. I mean, I didn't buy it for a big ol' dog. I have a kitten that's a year old and she LOVES outside. But we live in an area where there are huge dogs. So I got this as a perfect walker when I want some exercise. I was expecting something smaller. But I love it. And my cat loves it. Really all you have to do, is take it out of the box, pop the tray on for your drinks, etc, and pop on the bar for the back wheels then put the rear wheels on and put the pin through to keep them on. It wasn't that hard for me to do, actually. :) I love how it has two openings, front and back. I'm a bit disappointed that it didn't come with like a little "built-in" leash to keep your pet inside when you want the front open. But that's okay. I can make my own. I love the softness of the pad inside (Which comes out so you can wash it, by the way!) Over all, I would definitely recommend this. I'll be taking this to the fair this year!

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