Green Cow Rawhide Dog Bones, Natural Chips, 5-Pound Bag

Green Cow Rawhide Dog Bones, Natural Chips, 5-Pound Bag
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $32.00
Sale Price: $30.30
Today's Bonus: 5% Off
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I will admit that I was worried about buying these after reading the review from the person whose pup became sick after eating four of these, but I decided to take the risk and carefully monitor my own pup. My 3-month old Golden Retriever puppy came to me with giardia (for which he has been treated, but at the time, he was still experiencing some problems), so I didn't want anything to exacerbate his gastro issues. I'm relieved (no pun intended) to say that my puppy, along with my two Great Pyrenees, and my gimpy old lab/husky mix, have all four gone through this 5-lbs package of rawhides (in just a little over a month) with no problems at all. I sent some home with my mother for her terrier mix and for my sister's doberman, and they've had no problems, either.

The rawhides are a good mix of small and relatively thin, along with a some (more than half of) which are larger and thicker. There is no odd (eg., chemical) smell coming from the rawhides, and the bag is resealable like a giant ziploc bag. I'm placing my third order (sent one bag to mom and sis for their dogs); the quality is excellent and the value is unbeatable.

August 2011 Update: I have had these on a monthly auto-shipping order for several months, but the last two shipments were bags with rawhide chips that are almost entirely small and thin, and have not included the larger & thicker pieces I mentioned earlier. I hope the next shipment will bring back the larger pieces. If it does not, I do not think I will continue to purchase these. They are fine for small to medium dogs, but are simply too small for my 70+ lbs animals, and they just don't last very long.

December 2011 Update: The last three shipments have seen a return to a more diverse sizing of the chips. I expect that there will continue to be some variability, but I am especially pleased with this month's bag, since it has many of the thicker chips I prefer for my big dogs. These thicker chips might be less than ideal for the smallest of dogs, though I think most determined pups would be okay with them. I plan to continue to receive this bag on a once-a-month automatic shipping order for the foreseeable future; I think it might be possible to make this bag last more than a month even giving all four of my dogs one chip a day, but we're never that orderly, and I find that I'm usually out of chips several days before a new shipment. With fewer dogs, you can expect this bag to last several months.

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I read the positive reviews and I really liked the price so I ordered these rawhide chips. My yellow Labrador Retriever weighs 80 lbs and daily gets a rawhide chip (primarily Walmart generic brand) as a treat in the evening for years. My Lab will eat everything in sight (including socks) and never has stomach problems. After giving him only four rawhide chips in two days, my Lab developed a severe case of diarrhea and he's still sick after four days. He is an inside dog which makes it a real problem since he needs to go out hourly to do his business. Plus he's not feeling well and just lies around. I called the vet right away, and he recommended some immodium-type medication short term only. Since his appetite is fine and he isn't throwing up and he isn't getting any worse, his vet and I think he will be fine. The vet advised me to throw away the rest of the rawhide which I have done. I called and my money was cheerfully refunded which I greatly appreciate since I used the refund to buy the immodium medication.

This is just a warning to make sure you only give your dog one bone chip at a time and wait a day or so to make sure he can tolerate it. I don't know why these rawhides made my dog so sick but it could have been just a problem with this batch. I won't be buying this product again but I will definitely continue to buy from

Buy Green Cow Rawhide Dog Bones, Natural Chips, 5-Pound Bag Now

My dog absolutely LOVES these... though he's not sure why. He takes them and runs circles... every once in a while he'll drop it and bark at it... then picks it up and start running again. Considering the rawhide is gone by the time I get home, I think he eventually figures it out... either that or I've got a TON of rawhide bones buried in my yard somewhere :o)

Seriously though no extra stuff, just plain chewy rawhide fun it's a winner in my boys eyes!

Read Best Reviews of Green Cow Rawhide Dog Bones, Natural Chips, 5-Pound Bag Here

The first few bags were great, chips were clean and odorless and a good variety of diffent sized chips to fit all four of our dogs. Howver, the last two bags were entirely different; the chips themselves stank of chemicals, some were mouldy and our dogs got ill from them. I will no longer purchase this item since the quality has crealy degraded; either through a change or supplier or a laxity of quality control.

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I have a black lab/border terrier mix. She hasn't had any problems with any other rawhide (even the cheap brands). These made her violently sick with excessive vomiting and diarrhea (I was up all night taking her out every 20 minutes). This went on for 24 hours with no signs of stopping. She became severely lethargic. She wouldn't drink water or eat food and our vet decided that we should bring her in to put her on fluids because she became so dehydrated. In the end it cost $175 in vet bills. Today she is back to normal and the rawhides are at a garbage dump somewhere.

Amazon refunded our money with no problems whatsoever and I would still highly recommend them to consumers.

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