Zinpro Biscuits - Original - 24 ounce

Zinpro Biscuits - Original - 24 ounce
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $15.97
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After a few consults with area vets about my Husky's skin condition (thick, blackened, scaley areas around his eyes, abdomen) my current vet did some online research and found these biscuits that totally resolved his condition. We tried pill supplements with zinc but these biscuits were the answer. He eats them daily as treats and I am forever grateful to my vet who took the time to find this cure!

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These biscuits definitely helped the skin condition on my husky. Unfortunately, she's not really crazy about them. I have to put peanut butter on them to get her to eat them.

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Dog liked them and they fit the specifications of the diet. Kind of pricey but since it is a specialty item, to be expected.

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