FunBites FlatSticks Calcibone, 60-Count (Pack of 5)

FunBites FlatSticks Calcibone, 60-Count
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $36.00
Sale Price: $34.27
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Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program

I have "joint-custody" of a small Yorkshire Terrier (named Bella) and she has a little problem with tartar build-up around her tiny teeth. I try to brush them on a regular basis by she doesn't like the process very much. I was hoping that this product would work for her in addition to the toothbrush. However, before I can judge whether it helps or not, she has to like them. In this video review you will see how Bella and her BFF, Ginny, react to the FunBites FlatStick.

I made a mistake in the video which I didn't catch until I posted it. I accidentally refereed to the bags closure mechanism as "Velcro" when it is obviously a zip-lock type closure. Sorry about that. I hope that this review is helpful to you.

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Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program These FunBites are pressed rawhide (not regular, traditional rawhide). I feel safer giving pressed rawhide, because I have found regular rawhide to be a choking hazard with a dog I had in the past, so the "pressed' part is a plus in my book. However, there is a shiny coating over the treat. Doesn't look very good.

My 30 lb dog ate one right away, but my mom's dog was standing right by Haley and she is very protective, so that may well be the reason. My mom's 10 lb dog took it, took one bite of it, and dropped it on the floor (he is normally a little pig but still wouldn't eat it). Her 15 lb dog wouldn't even take it from my hand. My neighbor's 12 lb dog took it, chewed some pieces off, but dropped the pieces on the ground and wouldn't eat them.

SO, only 1 of the 4 dogs I gave these FunBites to would actually eat the treats, and I still think that was out of possessiveness. I don't think that bodes too well for the FunBites treats. Can't say I would recommend them to anyone.

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Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program Wandrdog, my 25 lb. frisky mutt is a fairly picky eater but she does like her treats. She loves to gnaw rawhide bones.

She ate the first stick of FunBites as if it were a candy bar. She cracked it into small pieces and swallowed them. There was no gnawing or much if any chewing involved. So much for teeth cleaning.

The next day I performed a highly scientific experiment. I held one FunBite in my left hand and a Dogswell Vitality Chicken Breast Jerky Strip Dogswell Vitality Chicken Breast Treats (15 oz) in my right hand. Wandrdog looked from FunBite to chicken jerky strip and then up at me to see if I was kidding. As this was a scientific investigation, I maintained a neutral expression. Wandrdog licked her lips then ripped the chicken jerky strip quickly from my fingers and retreated to gnaw in private. I stood in the kitchen still holding the FunBite in my left hand, waiting for Wandrdog's return. She did not return. I went to look for her. She would not look at the FunBite when I offered it to her. I got the point.

I think these FunBites would work best for very small or miniature dogs with small teeth.

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Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program The name sounds contradictory, or even menacing. Just kidding. My 13 1/2 year old cannot eat bones anymore. They play havoc with her digestion. She is getting one of these FunBites a day. She enjoys them as her regular food does not provide any challenge. These are not your traditional raw hide chews. They are more workable and have a nice boost of dicalcium phosphate and calcium bicarbonate. Don't worry, these are not the troubling additives you will find in food products engineered for focus groups. They are working therapies to have on a daily basis as a supplement.

They help keep her old choppers cleaner. If your dog has build-up, do not rely on these to correct the problem. Get a dog tooth brush. Do not use human tooth cleaners because they are engineered to appeal to people for that hard working fresh and clean taste and sensation. Dogs hate that. If you do not like the idea of brushing, the vet will do it. But it is good to pay attention to the mouth especially as foods are softer and dogs are living longer. And FunBites help along the way. One a day is enough. They are cow hide, so dogs get some protein and fiber. Rice and flour are binders to help it all work together. These tasty FunBites are made in Mexico.

Woof! Alright I'm coming...)

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