Greenies Pill Pockets Chicken - Large - 7.6 oz. pouch

Greenies Pill Pockets Chicken - Large - 7.6 oz. pouch
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Sale Price: $6.49
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Makes it a lot easier to get my big baby to take his medicine, don't have to fight with him to take the stuff.

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I wasn't sure if my dog would like Chicken as she always has Beef.

She Loves the Chicken.

Glad I tried it.

They stay very mist so its easy to secure the pill

Great Product

Buy Greenies Pill Pockets Chicken - Large - 7.6 oz. pouch Now

I have a 17 year old Yorkie that has Cushungs Disease. Pill pockets are the only easy and convenient way to administer his pills to him twice a day.

They come in various sizes and two flavors, beef and chicken.

I use the large to accomodate all the pills he has to take.

Buying through Amazon gets me fast service at a reasonable price.

Read Best Reviews of Greenies Pill Pockets Chicken - Large - 7.6 oz. pouch Here

Our dog is on a special diet and has to take medication twice a day. She loves these Pill Pockets and looks forward to taking her meds as treats. She sits at attention while we fill the pockets and gobbles them right down. You couldn't have an easier way to administer medications. And because they are soft and squishy, you can mold them around any sized pill/capsule.

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