All Natural Dog Treats by Charlee Bear - Cheese & Egg - 16 oz resealable bag

All Natural Dog Treats by Charlee Bear - Cheese & Egg - 16 oz resealable bag
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $9.98
Sale Price: $4.68
Today's Bonus: 53% Off
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Charlee Bears are small and low calorie, so you can use them en masse for training. We use them both for standard training (sit, stay, drop it, leave it) and behavioral training (no bark). They're not stinky or messy, so you can put them in your pocket, purse, or car without worry. We keep a small bag in the car for travel to reinforce when our puppy doesn't bark at people walking by, one by the door to reinforce when she goes to the bathroom outside, and a bunch of treats in a treat bag for travel.

The one downside to these is that because they're not as stinky, it can be harder to use them to get your dog's attention if he or she is distracted, like at the dog park or if you have a bunch of visitors. Our trick to get around this is that we put some stinky treats in the treat bag with these, and they'll take on some of the scent (We use Pro-Treat Beef Liver, Freeze Dried Dog Treats, 21 Ounce).

Our dog loves all flavors.

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Awesome little snack treat for your favorite pup/dog. My two pekeingese just love these. You can use them for training as well as just a treat. They come in a variety of flavors. My pups like the liver the best. For senior dogs, these are perfect if they don't have the "jaw" power or teeth use anymore. They are easy to carry so you can treat your dog whenever you want to for example on a walk around the neighborhood. They are just 3 calories each so you don't have to worry about their weight. Absolutely recommend these to every dog owner!

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My dog can't get enough Charley Bears. They are excellent for training because they are small and dry. They keep well in the pocket without getting disgusting.

Read Best Reviews of All Natural Dog Treats by Charlee Bear - Cheese & Egg - 16 oz resealable bag Here

I have yet to meet a dog that doesn't like Charly Bear treats! My nickname for them is "doggie crack!

Charly Bears are easy to carry (not greasy or messy), have a long shelf life, are low in calories, and dogs go crazy for them. Plus, they're an AMAZING VALUE!!

My dog is on a raw diet yet I allow him to indulge in a few CB's every day. I also buy a large bag for each of my building's doormen so they may dispense them to other canine residents.

Each bag has hundreds of treats and lasts a LOOOOOONG time! You can't go wrong with Charly Bears. :-)

Want All Natural Dog Treats by Charlee Bear - Cheese & Egg - 16 oz resealable bag Discount?

Cheese and egg flavor, dogs love them. It's good to buy in bulk and easy to find at Amazon.

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