Barkworthies Monster Angus Tendon for Pets

Barkworthies Monster Angus Tendon for Pets
Customer Ratings: 2.5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $7.37
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I have purchased these in stores and they were huge, expensive but huge it is even called "Monster" Angus Tendons. Much bigger than flossies or wishbones and twice the price. I haven't been able to find them in my new neighborhood so ordered two on Amazon from Gulf Coast Pet Supplies. The two I received from Gulf Coast were so thin and flimsy! The two of them together wouldn't even equal one that I have purchased in the past. My dog finished it in less than 3 mins. I can't believe they sent these to me at $8.40 each. Barkworthies and Gulf Coast should both be ashamed of themselves.

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We have discovered tendons work great as an alternative to rawhide. This one was a good size, but not as big as I was expecting based on the price. There are other tendons available that I think are more reasonable when comparing price per oz. I probably will not purchase again.

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