Pureness Oat Garden Kit, 1-Ounce

Pureness Oat Garden Kit, 1-Ounce
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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Sale Price: $8.30
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My little adventurous cat discovered the world when we moved out of NY. And doing so, he discovered grass, greens and would whine to go outside. I thought he just wanted to roam, but when fall turned to winter and he paced looking all around for greenery, I understood the importance of providing a substitute. In NY the farmers market offered wheat grass already sprouted and neither cat would eat it, so this was a risk I took to try oat grass.

If your cats also need or crave greens, this is so simple to use; comes in a shallow plastic tub, seeds in a cellophane packet, you sprinkle the seeds but should be sure to cover them with the peat moss. I only used half the seeds and my suggestion is to dump half the peat moss on a paper towel, sprinkle the seeds all around and cover them w remaining peat moss. Dont try 'mixing' it as instructed which is what I did, the seeds are very large and dont mix easily. You are to moisten but not soak the container then place the cover on loosely, put in a dark warm place for 3-4 days until they sprout, then give them light.

I placed my container uncovered into a zip lock qt size bag, zipped it up 3/4 and put it into an unused cabinet. 4th day I had 2" pale sprouts, due to lack of light. I use fluorescent bulbs now (dern electric bills made me finally give in) and the oatgrass grew up and greened within 24 hours. I cant tell you what a fat happy little boy this is, nibbling like a little goat from the pot, he couldnt believe what I was offering him.

Can't say enough good things about oatgrass. You can find seeds sold in bulk, but stick with peat moss and clean containers and dont over water.

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grew very fast but died just as fast. cats loved it when it had sprouted but dried up quickly. no directions included for transplanting

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I followed the directions to a tee and it never grew. It just got moldy. Very dissatisfied. Will never buy it again.

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The directions are so easy. Just add water & cover until the seeds begin to sprout and then keep it in sunlight. As my cat chewed through most of it, I was able to get another round of sprouting grass when I added more water a while later.

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Some cats love this stuff, some don't. Mine didn't care for it much, though did nibble a little. I'll have to try some other type grasses.

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