Osteo Pet Glucosamine Chondroitin for Dogs - 720 Ct Value Size

Osteo Pet Glucosamine Chondroitin for Dogs - 720 Ct Value Size
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $229.99
Sale Price: $119.99
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I had been using another product for about 10 years with all my own dogs (currently 6 special needs Greyhounds:all with serious leg injuries from their racing careers at the track) as well as my foster Greys. As my dogs became more 'geriatric' than 'senior' I noticed the anticipated/expected stiffness and occasional pain when rising/relaxing was becoming more of an everyday occurence vs the occasional annoyance. A conversation with my vet resulted in a recommendation of a higher dose of both glucosamine and chondroitin than I had been giving them. I found a wonderful product here at Amazon and ordered 6 bottles of 90 tablets each. That was a few months ago. I figured that product would be perfect as it was all natural, no preservatives, etc and just what the doctor ordered. However, while that product did work and my babies showed significant improvement in a short time, the quality of the tablets themselves with nothing short of disgusting. 6 bottles of 90 tabs each and I was lucky to get 10 tablets that were still whole: the rest of each of 6 bottles was a mess of pulverized powder and broken tablets in pieces too small to even try to piece together for an adequate dose. (If you see my other reviews, you can see the product of which I speak along with some photos). So I began looking for a different product.I found this one: same ingredients, same dosing instructions,and a natural product. I began giving it to my two oldest gals right away while I used up the remaining broken tablet products as best I could on the younger ones. My two oldest girls are both 11 and on bad days,have great difficulty handling just my 4 steps to go out/come back in. In less than 2 weeks of using this newest product, my girls are flying down the steps, running to the yard and actually initiating play with the others, not just joining in. They are flinging toys around the house and galloping after them, and I find they are sleeping through the night better. I could not be happier with a brand new product. Today was the last day of piecing together the former product of broken tablets, so all my 6 babies are now on this product. I'll be back to update my review when I've had time to observe the rest of my pack after they've taken this for a while.

Edit 11-3-11. It has been approx. one month with all my 'kids' on this product. Vast improvement in their quality of life. All of them. And not just a noticable difference: a vast difference. The oldest ones who had stopped playing and pretty much just hung out by themselves are now back in full force during play time, ball chasing (ok, so they don't bring it back to me and I do most of the work) but I could not be happier with how much more they are now enjoying life. We just had the worst October Nor-Easter in Western Mass. history and like hundreds of thousands others, I've been without power for 4+ days. Being one of the luckier ones, I guess, I just got power back about 3am this morning. Although the dogs have been wearing their heavy-duty winter coats in the house since early Sunday morning when the house temp. got to 40 degrees inside because of no heat, I don't see stiff hips or painful ups/downs that I surely expected under these less than normal circumstances. They are playful when out in the snow (once we cleared the fallen trees from their yard) and their appetites are good. (Well, I do admit they're getting really, really good stuff with their regular diet so as not to lose all our freezer food, etc). If the appetites are normal, they are ok. I'm no longer giving 2 of the oldest Rimadyl for pain twice daily. They aren't getting any pain meds at all as of about 2 weeks ago. I'll be sticking with this product for now. Matter of fact, I just ordered another tubful.

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I formerly was purchasing the smaller bottles and, when I saw this in the larger container, I decided that this was a huge savings. The product works well for my dog and he was moving better after only a few weeks taking the tablets. My container arrived in great shape and there were no broken pills at all. When I told my vet that I was using Osteo Pet, he said he recommends it for older dogs with joint troubles.

Buy Osteo Pet Glucosamine Chondroitin for Dogs - 720 Ct Value Size Now

Our labradoodle was having some popping joint sounds and we are giving him this with his meals and rarely hear any noises. The only downside is that there is a lot of extra room in the container and many of the tablets are broken.

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I ordered this product because my 2 older dogs have responded well to glucosamine chondroitin in the past. When I received the package I double-checked the ingredient list because the tablets were smaller than what I had previously given my dogs, and it didn't include chondroitin. I emailed the company, which responded that it was listed on the container. I sent them an email that included a photo of the package that DID NOT list chondroitin and they never responded. Since I had opened the box and used some of the tablets, and waited quite a while for their responses, I just kept the product and I give them as treats. I give them a product from another manufacturer as their supplement. I cannot recommend this product, especially since it is not government regulated, so no one is checking up to make sure manufacturers are delivering what they say they are.

Want Osteo Pet Glucosamine Chondroitin for Dogs - 720 Ct Value Size Discount?

Without this product my 10 yr old Lab can barely walk. So thanks for giving him quality of life back.

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