Bravo! Premium Freeze-Dried Training Treats for Dogs, Variety Pack of 4

Bravo! Premium Freeze-Dried Training Treats for Dogs, Variety Pack of 4
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $44.95
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Packages contain small irregular pieces of freezedried meats. All our dogs will just about follow any command for them as they really enjoy them.

Unfortunately, lots of very small to dusty pieces in bag and fall apart in training pouch. Could put dust as treat on food, but takes away real purpose. For the price, only get 3/4 a bag of usable training pieces.

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My dog ONLY responds when I have these treats. They are small and not greasy. Great product. Recommend them all the time.

Buy Bravo! Premium Freeze-Dried Training Treats for Dogs, Variety Pack of 4 Now


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