Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $61.13
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Our dog was having diarrhea every month. We thought it was the food we were giving him, so we changed the brand and both are high quality brands. Still the diarrhea came back. We took him into the vet and got antibiotics. He got better then it came back. We thought he was eating something off the trail. We stopped taking him to the trail. He got better then it came back. More antibiotics. He got better then it came back. Our vet recommended Prostora and he did say it was a new product and wasn't sure it would work, but he thought our dog was a good candidate. He is going great no diarrhea since August.

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We used this for our Maltese who gets GI problems pretty often. A few days of this product takes it all away (no more bloat, gas, etc.).

My mother has 2 Maltese from the same breeder with bad brown spots under their eyes. She gave this to them and AMAZINGLY -it went away!! We put our dog on Tylan (antibiotic) and her brown spots went away permanently. My mom's dogs went on Tylan and the brown stains went away initially and then came back. She has used ONE packet of this (probiotic treatment) and the brown stains have never returned! I"d buy it again in a heartbeat!

Oh, and she eats this like it's a treat. Normally I have to put her medicine in peanut butter and slather it on the roof of her mouth so she can't spit it out. With this, she eats every crumb....


We have a thirteen year old dog. Poor thing has been having horrific gas for almost a year. She takes a lot of pain medication for her aches and pains and they can be tough on stomachs. We tried multiple dietary changes more protein, different proteins ( red meat vs. chicken vs fish) and rice. She still cleared the room with her gas. My vet gave me a sample to try. It was a miracle. Within one day, no kidding, she was feeling better and the gas was gone.

Read Best Reviews of IVF PROSTORA MAX GI 15CT BOX Here

I actually got this for my husky's tear stains and it worked great! I dont have to feed her one every day too. its One every 3 days for tear stains. So glad my vet introduced me to this! bye bye angel eyes


My 2.5 year old 6 pound Pomeranian has alopecia X, which is coat loss and blackening/thinning of the skin. He also suffered from GI problems and has been hospitalized several times in the last 18 months due to severe GI infection. On top of that, he has bad knees and last September had knee surgery. This is a dog that was in very bad shape and had practically no joy in his life. He did not want to play anymore, had developed persistent skin allergies, didn't like to be handled and was generally very depressed. Over the last 18 months we'd tried everything to treat his myriad issues: Special allergen free diets, raw diets, high quality limited ingredient diets, allergy vaccines, special shampoos, various supplements, fish oil, you name it. Nothing helped his skin, coat, knees, digestive disorders or depression. Then in late October Peanut's allergist gave me a box of Prostora that was about to expire in order to treat another bout of diarrhea that he was experiencing during his recovery from the knee surgery. Well. Within two weeks I saw a new dog. I have goosebumps even describing the change. He played again. With his toys, our other dog. He did that pomeranian circle-sprinting thing they do eight weeks out of knee surgery! His eyes were bright, his itching decreased by at least half, and he was once again talkative and smiley. Then one day I noticed a tiny shadow of what looked like new fur growing on his rump, in the area he scratches the most. My husband thought it was wishful thinking, but the shadow turned into a dime sized patch of silky orange fur. More and more patches became evident over the next eight weeks. Today, two and a half months after starting Prostora as a daily supplement (1/2 to 1 tablet per day), Peanut's first shadowy patch of fur has become a long, silky orange silver-dollar sized thatch on his rump. All over his flanks and chest, new healthy fur is growing and spreading. I know this medication is used to treat diarrhea, but I credit it with completely rebooting this poor dog's immune system, starting with the chaos of his lower GI tract. I've started giving it to my other dog now, splitting a half tab between the two of them, as a daily supplemnent. The ONLY downside I see is that Prostora is VERY expensive as a supplement. But all things considered, I've spend thousands of dollars on this dog's collected health issues over the last two years, and nothing has worked except Prostora, including other probiotics. So, a dollar a day? It's worth it. I've got my dog back.

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