Cloud Star Grain Free Buddy Biscuits for Cats

Cloud Star Grain Free Buddy Biscuits for Cats, Tempting Tuna, 3 Ounce
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We have a cat, Amanda, whom we've had for about nine years. For the past several, she's had chronic weeping from the corners of her eyes. Within the past several months, the problem had escalated to excessive scratching at her face and forehead, which ultimately resulted in an eye infection with MRSA, which had to be treated with antibiotics and a hefty vet bill. To make a long story short, we determined that the underlying condition was an allergy to foods containing grain, an allergy that evidently grew progressively worse over the years. A switch to a grain-free diet canned, dry, treats has seemingly alleviated the problem as her eyes returned to looking better than anytime in recent memory. And though the fact had escaped my notice, my wife says her fur has become less dandruffy.

Finding grain-free treats was a challenge because Amanda turned her nose up at most brands except the CLOUD STAR GRAIN-FREE BUDDY BISCUITS FOR CATS, SAVORY TURKEY AND CHEDDAR, as well as the Cloud Star Grain Free Buddy Biscuits for Cats, Tender Chicken, 3 Ounce and Cloud Star Grain Free Buddy Biscuits for Cats, Tempting Tuna, 3 Ounce versions. Not to put too fine a point on it, the cat loves them.

The turkey and cheddar flavored treat was the last of the three we introduced to Amanda. It was concurrent with first exposure to this treat over a week of feeding it to her that the corners of her eyes reddened again and she inflicted scratches on her nose.

The ingredients list for this treat includes "cheddar"; it's not just artificial flavoring, apparently.

While puzzling over this renewed occurrence of Amanda's affliction, I had an epiphany much like Saul on the donkey track to Damascus except I was on the freeway to Long Beach. (Saul likely experienced less traffic, lucky devil.)

Cheddar (cheese) comes from the milk of cows. In order to increase milk production, cows are fed grain corn, to be exact. If the antibiotics administered to cows can carry over into their milk, why not perhaps grain residues?

We've now returned Amanda to the Buddy Biscuits not containing cheddar, and her eyes are clearing up once more. No more turkey and cheddar for her!

Food allergies are tricky. And perhaps the ingredients list of those "grain-free" foods should be scrutinized at least closely if not with skepticism.

(Some "grain-free" cat foods are made by companies that also make products that overtly are not. One wonders if their food processing machinery is adequately purged of grain traces between types. That's another, separate consideration.)

I wouldn't go so far as to point my finger at CLOUD STAR GRAIN-FREE BUDDY BISCUITS, SAVORY TURKEY AND CHEDDAR FLAVOR as the source of Amanda's most recent flare-up. I'm just sayin'... You know?

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Seven out of my eight kitties absolutely love these treats! I put them in their Catit Food Maze and they are more than happy to play with the maze to get these delicious treats to fall out. So healthy too, and I love that.. as a pet parent that wants her babies to have healthy, good, & long lives I feel good about feeding these treats!!

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Unfortunately my large golden retriever does, too. One day when I was out, she managed to extend to her full height and pull several bags off my kitchen shelving. When I came home, I found 2 shredded bags and no treats. Oh, well, I had bought several more bags so the cats are enjoying the ones left. When I call dogs for their morning "cookies", I tell the cats I have "kitty cookies", too, and they join us for their cookies. Now we'll see if I can inspire any other desired behavior by using the kitty cookies for training. (Not very confident, but we'll see.)

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My girls can't get enough of these! I use them as rewards for good behavior (letting me trim their claws, doing certain tricks, etc) and after I give them one or two they always look around for more. Both cats have had digestive issues in the past so I have them on a limited ingredient (green pea and duck) dry food and limit the ingredients in their wet food (King Tiki Cat), so I was a little hesitant to use this. But the cats love it and so far, no digestive upset! I will always have some of these on hand.

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My cat is very picky about cat treats but she likes this brand a lot, especially the Tempting Tuna flavor.

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