SENTRY® Petromalt Hairball Chewable, 2.5oz Chkn Liver Flavor

SENTRY® Petromalt Hairball Chewable, 2.5oz Chkn Liver Flavor
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: $9.20
Sale Price: $8.97
Today's Bonus: 3% Off
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I have two cats. One has horrible hairballs; the other never gets them. Naturally, the cat who's prone to hairballs won't take these willingly; the one who doesn't get hairballs seems to like them. Every couple of weeks, when I see the hairball cat in distress, I drop about 4 of these (one at a time, of course) down the back of his throat and hold his mouth shut until he swallows. That seems to do the trick until the next time. These things (which are kind of like waxy oral suppositories) aren't magic, but they work a lot better than the paste stuff.

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We also have 2 cats and only one has hairball problems. She hates the paste and until I found this it was a fight and possibly get bitten proposition. She eats these like snacks if I break them in half and so far has done a terrific job with hairball problems.

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The cats (who won't eat people food...not even salmon or chicken) were not about to eat these as "treats". They are kibble born and bred. But...when I crumbled them up in my fingers and sprinkled the bits on their kibbles, most of the treat was consumed and no nasty looks from the cats. They've gotten used to it and I put one on the food every other day or so. No barfed up hairballs to report since these are domestic shorthairs with one being a little more fuzzy than the other. So I can't say the cats loved it and ate them right up but the product has apparently diminished the hair-in-the-tummy issue enough to stop the barfage.

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This product is really good. My cat has no problems with hairballs at all. I would recommend this product to anyone with a cat.

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Only 1 out of 5 of my cats would eat this product. Sorry I bought 2 bags! Waste of my money.

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