Ware Natural Broom Grass Bristle Bunches Small Pet Chew Treat

Ware Natural Broom Grass Bristle Bunches Small Pet Chew Treat
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $5.77
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Not really sure if the piggies like these that much. But they haven't had much of a chance. The package comes with only two which doesn't give you much opportunity to experiment with it (and anyone who owns guinea pigs knows that the first try is never a good indication of whether or not the piggies will accept the treat you've given). The first one I gave, they seemed to show interest but they were having trouble getting their teeth into the tight bushell. So I decided to remove the rope from one end of the bristle bunch and they went to town, but they were soon all over the cage (which is not very sanitary for guinea pig treats/food). I gave the 2nd one to them this morning and this time I will not take the roping off. We will see how it does over the next few days.

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Our chinchilla loves these, they are his favorite toy! He carries them around and then eventually breaks them apart and drags them all over his cage.

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I have 2 baby san juan rabbit's who are in love with these thing's!I wish I had bought more!! they started chewing instantly, and picking these up to take away from the each other. FABULOUS purchase

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I got these for my son's gerbils. Gerbils chew a lot almost constantly. Our supply of paper towel and toilet paper tubes can't keep up! So I tried these. It took the gerbils less than an hour to chew each of these up completely. They loved them though! Not sure it is worth the money for that short a time, though.

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I was hoping for a product that would help distract my bunny from chewing on her cage. Unfortunately, she completely ignored it. It has been sitting in her cage for over a week now...still intact. The product is fine, just too bad Leia didn't like it.

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