Crumps' Naturals Sweet Potato for Pets

Crumps' Naturals Sweet Potato for Pets, 11.6-Ounce
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Our doxie has had bouts of pancreatitis so we needed a low fat, good fiber, healthy treat for her. We stopped giving her rawhide years ago so wanted something that could giver her doxie teeth a work out like rawhide. We know giving treats is a "people" thing but it is still nice to be able to giver her something periodically. But we were so hesitate because of the pancreatitis. Crumps is THE perfect thing for her. We actually cut them in strips (need a tough pair of scissors) and give them to her periodically. She LOVES them !!!!

Well she loved them and still does but we have had to stop giving them to her. We were cutting them into smaller strips and giving the small strip to her periodically. We noticed about 4 a.m. (3 different times) after giving her a strip the evening before she woke us up with an upset tummy. She walked around somewhat uncomfortable like and in 2 cases refused food for about 6 hours and the other time she vomited. Since we have stopped giving them to her this has stopped. No more for her.

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The dogs love these--one dog is addicted to the point that she goes nuts when she sees the bag. However, a bag doesn't last long at all and the price is, frankly, usurious. I thought seven fifty was WAY too much, and the price only seems to go up. A slightly better deal is Sam's Yams (much larger bag--more than twice as large). If one wants to go to the effort (and I do, often) one can dehydrate the sweet potatoes at home, either in the oven or using a dehydrator. It does take time to cut/prep the things, but it will save you a few dollars if you're wanting to economize.

The Crumps slices are nicely and thoroughly dried and well packaged, I will say--it's just that they cost way too doggone much. If they could find a way to make the product more affordable, I would "buy rather than dry" more frequently.

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My German Shepherd has an auto-immune disease that requires him to be on low-dose prednisone the rest of his life, meaning, I need to give him extremely healthy and low-fat treats to prevent pancreatitis and trips to the animal ER. A coworker brought these back for my dog on one occasion, and he is absolutely hooked. I tear off small bites from the large peices and use them as treats. I am unable to use them in lieu of raw hides since he is so large and an aggressive chewer.

I have and will continue to recommend this product.

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My Jack Russell does not like this chew although she has loved other Crumps products. The chew is similar to a rawhide chew in texture and smells good, like sweet potatoes. I wish my dog liked it as it is a healthy product.

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I love these healthy treats for my dog and he loves them too! Highly recommend as a treat that lasts and is healthy.

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