Cat-Sip Real Milk

Cat-Sip Real Milk
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $8.75
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I give this to my three cats every now and then as a treat and they love it. My husband bought the Whiskas brand in the purple box and the cats all snub their noses to it. hah boy they are finicky!


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my cat has always loved milk but I knew it wasn't good for his tummy. So I found this and he loved it! It looks like baby formula but that apparently kitty can't tell the difference. Nice treat for our otherwise finicky cat.

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Not all cats are lactose intolerant and my kitties have gotten real cream now and again as a treat. I thought I would give this stuff a try just out of curiosity. I was not prepared for the reaction. Both my cats turn into meowing, begging lunatics as soon as they see the box. They both recognize the box when I pull it out of my grocery bag. It is absolutely insane. My local Petco has stopped carrying this, which is very sad because shipping these little suckers is expensive. Amazon... please start carrying this stuff!! Until then I will have to pay for the outrageous shipping because there might be a cat mutiny at my house if I run out!

UPDATE: Petco is obviously stocking this stuff again! Yay!

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New product for our house. So far two out of three are in love (gobble gobble). The third just hasn't decided yet. Heard this is good for urinary tract disorders. Hope so, one of the two gobblers has had a slight problem in that area.

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When my 18+ year old cat died, her 17 1/2 year old son completely lost it. He stopped eating and drinking and got really sick with a UTI, URI, and anemia. I tried EVERYTHING to get him to eat and drink Catsure (Ensure for cats), all kinds of cat food, treats, even a prescription appetite stimulant. He even rejected TREATS! So you name it, I tried it (and paid for it!) Finally someone at the pet store suggested CatSip. I didn't think it would work, because nothing was working, but I figured I'd give it a try. Much to my delight, he LOVES it. I give him a little saucer full several times a day and he laps it right up. We go through a box every couple of days. It helps keep him hydrated, gives him some much-needed calories and protien, and I am convinced it helped get his appetite bounch back. Now three months later, he is eating and drinking well. He has put some weight back on and his latest blood and urine tests came back as close to perfect as one could hope for such an old guy. With a lot of love, excellent veterinary care, and as much CatSip as his heart desires, my boy is once again healthy and happy. I cannot recommend this product enough.

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