Barkery Bitty Bones 36-Ounce

Barkery Bitty Bones Peanut Butter Flavor 36-Ounce
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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Sale Price: $20.21
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I get the small ones...they don't keep him busy as long as the larger ones, but he gets them more often.

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Both of my Cockapoos love these chewy treats! As soon as I touch the bag, both dogs are at my feet waiting patiently.

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Although I've never really tried these my schnauzer, Hailey Jo, says she loves them. She knows she gets one when she goes out to do "her duty" and I see her make a quick loop on the patio, never even attempting to do anything, and then running back to the door to be let in. She immediately heads to her treat jar and waits for her bitty bones. This is the 2nd time I have bought them through Amazon since I can't find them in my city.

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Great product, my Dobbie loves these! It satisfies her need to chew and really be able to bit down on something. And I'm much more comfortable about the content knowing they are made in USA.

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My 20 pound Xolo loves these treats, but if you're looking for a long-term chew treat, these will not suffice. She manages to get through one in a few mins and she is not a particularly strong chewer.

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