Free Range Buckarooz! Premium Deer Antlers, 6 - 7" Giant

Free Range Buckarooz! Premium Deer Antlers, 6 - 7' Giant
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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These antlers are by no means "giant". I know description said 6-7 " but "giant" should mean SOME substance. Not worth the price.

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My dog MoJo love his deer antler. He chews on it a lot, and if he's not chewing on it, he's carrying it around. He doesn't seem to have done much damage to it in the month he's had it. Usually he destroys things in a couple of hours. If you've never gotten your dog an antler, here is the scoopthey don't make a mess, don't smell, are all natural and no deer are harmed in obtaining the antlers. They fall off the deer each year, and are cleaned and sanitized before they are sold. Our dog is very large so we get him the giant size, but smaller sizes are availble for smaller dogs.

Buy Free Range Buckarooz! Premium Deer Antlers, 6 - 7" Giant Now


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