Milk Bone Dog Biscuits, Medium, 10 Pound

Milk Bone Dog Biscuits, Medium, 10 Pound
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $29.31
Sale Price: $11.99
Today's Bonus: 59% Off
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Not sure if I can really write a reveiw for dog cookies but I will try. My two whippets love their nightly milk bone cookies. Two to three every night with out a hiccup. If you are not timely then they will give you a friendly nudge.

Milk-Bone's are much cheaper on the web then in the store. I highly recommend buying this product.


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Milk Bone dog biscuits are second only to things-she-should-never-eat in Mollie's pantheon of treats. For some reason we humans can never comprehend, my very doggy 57 pound, two year old, lab mix, prefers day-old recently used dog food as her snack of choice. Our neighborhood is a cafeteria despite the law.

As soon as she is let off leash in Central Park she makes a beeline for the nearest pile as regular as the clockwork. "Leave it" screamed in a rising voice only works after her tasting has started. At home, I have offered her a selection of Zuke's treats, smelly cheese, freeze dried liver, and sometimes, a lick of the knife I just used to spread peanut butter. If I hold the treat in one hand and a milk bone in the other, most of the time she ignores the treat and gently takes the Milk Bone. It doesn't matter if I have broken the Milk Bone and the size is small. She has no discrimination based on size, just smell.

In my Upper West Side neighborhood, here in NYC, the sidewalks are crowded with dogs. Most, like mine, seem to be rescues, but many are show quality, and we owners congregate in the local dog run and talk about, what else, dogs.

Tooth cleaning around here with general anesthesia can push four figures and is a popular procedure with dogs that eat home cooked food, "raw diet" diets, gourmet refrigerated pet food etc. My Molly has been raised on Blue Buffalo dry food in various flavors, and we always have a ten pound box of Milk Bones hands. When she cleans up her plate, or does a reasonably good job, she is rewarded with a Milk Bone. They are a wonderful training aid and can be broken in small pieces so you don't overfeed. The point is that my Molly has shiny white teeth and a sweet breath and has never been fed table scraps or gourmet foods.

When using Amazon Prime, the Milk Bone comes in at half the price of buying locally. Can't beat that.

Buy Milk Bone Dog Biscuits, Medium, 10 Pound Now

We have been buying this product in various forms all my life for our dogs so I have confidence in the product. All of my dogs have loved them.

Read Best Reviews of Milk Bone Dog Biscuits, Medium, 10 Pound Here

i cant speak for my self but my dog loves them, so do the other dogs that I deliver too.

Want Milk Bone Dog Biscuits, Medium, 10 Pound Discount?

got a ton of these cheap and the dogs like them. i am not sure what else to say about them.

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