Purina Beneful Baked Delights Dog Snack

Beneful Baked Delights Snackers Dog Snack, 12.5-Ounce
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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Sale Price: $25.10
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My dog adores these. She won't eat any other dog snacks but Beneful baked delights. Seriously, I have tried every other type of dog biscuit, but she won't touch them. My dog has been eating these for over a year, and I think she's actually addicted to them. She will turn everything else down for just one. I've never had a dog who was so picky before...My dog is a Schipperke and only eats what is good for her. She will only eat foods high in protein and oils and sometimes a sugary treat...but, for snacks she will only eat these. No Beneful Hugs or Stars, just these. Heavens knows what's really in them, but she sure loves them!

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REALLY loves them! He snubs everything else. I find these in Petco for 7.00/box so this was a great savings. I will keep ordering these for my boy!

Buy Purina Beneful Baked Delights Dog Snack Now

Our two beagles awaken hungry and ready to pounce on the world, but they don't need to eat much before they go for their morning walk. Baked Delights do not crumble and can be carried in my pocket or purse during car trips. These treats are just right and small enough for each of them, and I can count on their being healthful snacks because, after all, they are from Beneful, the same source as their dinners in the evening. Because they are easily ordered from Amazon, I can have a supply on hand and never worry about going to the store.

Read Best Reviews of Purina Beneful Baked Delights Dog Snack Here

These treats are in most demand by my dog friend, Louise. She loves these. Plus, they do not hurt her.

Try them, you won't be sorry. She likes them so much I bought several boxes to be sure I had them on hand for her.

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I have tried several dog treats and other than the plain old Milk Bones biscuits, I have found that a lot of the fancy dog treats have given my dog the STINKIEST gas. I am talking about knock you over and wish you were dead, silent but deadly farts. And we all know that there is nothing more lethal than doggy gas. Anyhow, I have found that my lab tolerates these treats without stink bombing the entire house, as a result of eating them. I do limit her to no more than two at a time and I only give them to her maybe twice a week as a treat, so I cannot speak to how my dog would tolerate them if I gave her more than that.The texture of the treats is sort of like a harder outside and a chewier inside. The treats are in sort of obnoxious primary colors that do look anything but natural, but at least they are baked.

Anyhow, I recommend them. Thanks to these baked Delights we are largely dog fart free!

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