Flint River Ranch Trout and Sweet Potato Dog Formula, 20 Lbs.

Flint River Ranch Trout and Sweet Potato Dog Formula, 20 Lbs.
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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Note: My dogs don't like this flavor as much as the beef one.

I spent 5 years studying canine nutrition and sadly, learned that vets don't ever get this chance. Veterinary colleges are funded by dog food companies and unfortunately, as one famous vet who wants to change all that, Dr. Pitcairn, realized, taught to treat the problem rather than discovering what's causing it and that usually relates to the diet. In fact, a tremendous increase in dog health issues can be traced back to the time that dog food companies started...when they stopped eating table scraps and began an all-processed high grain and high allergen and unnatural diet. Even though table scraps were full of dog toxins like onions, they STILL had less health issues than their process food preservative and poor balance counterparts of today.

Funny how we wouldn't feed our kids crackers every day but feel it's okay to only feed our dogs that--high grain, poor protein, cooked out vitamins, highly processed, low nutrients...dogs who, in nature, seek out more protein.

In fact, that is how new dog food nutrition studies began. Because vets realized that wolves and coyotes in the wild brought in for treatment if hit by a car, etc do not have the health issues our INDOOR dogs have. A wolf might be old and without fleas or tartar or itching and with a glossy coat.

So vets like Dr. Pitcairn began studying the cause of pets with chronic issues or developing common issues too young and finding what things were toxic and unnatural and what helped prevent poor things in their diet.

I live in the woods and have 3 dogs and have yet to have one flea because I follow this advice. In fact, I have strangers tell me (often) that my dog's fur looks like a cat's because it's so shiny. No itching. Never grew up begging for my food because theirs is complete. (It may be hard to break this habit once begun but easy if it never starts.)

I will only feed them 3 things: a diet I make from Dr. Pitcairn's recommendations, ( I have no ties to any of these but am an activist about sharing anything good or bad for pets) Newman's Own canned dog food, or Flint River Ranch.

Why? First of all, as part of my own studies I visited dog food plants. Actually this was like the biggest wakeup call on the planet for me. I watched as I was told the "brilliant" model of putting the factories near cattle processing. When a cow is dead or dying of anything...they never determine the cause...they pick it up in a bulldozer and go take it to the dogfood plant. I WATCHED this.

How can they do this? Do you see how you rarely see the term "human grade meat" on dog food? They don't have to be inspected if it's dog food. There are two different levels of acceptance...people cannot eat food riddled with tumors from lesions or cancer, it's okay if dog's do. According to the government regulations. Humans are required to eat inspected meat of certain cleanliness standards and from cows processed for this reason (I don't eat meat anyway but still....)Dog food companies are not required to have such standards.

For reals.

So if you will recall the huge outbreak of botulism a few years back with sick dogs going to vets, dying, etc that they linked to dog foods then it happened a few months later...do you remember there were only about 5 companies that were labeled as unaffected? This was one, Newman's Own was one....why? They only use HUMAN GRADE meat. Their meat is inspected. They do not buy meat from downed cattle plants so they were released from any recall or report of possible affected products. The others bought meat from across the country at these places and it was found the cows were diseased but because they never have to check to find out what they cows died from when making them into food, it was passed along. Then it happened again a few months later. Then it happened again a year later. Yes, we hear about these things when dogs die en masse. We never, however, hear about dogs that just fall ill....

But it gets worse. You may see a list of vitamins and nutrients across the back of a bag of dog food. But due to the way meat is processed, they bake it at astronomically high temps to try to kill off any lesions, puss, etc. I"m not making this up. But they ARE required to have these in there...so what happens? They all bake off. You are left with some grains, high allergens like corn, and you are basically feeding your dog crackers and by-products of downed cattle.

So, does your dog beg and salivate when you eat meat or any dinner for that matter? Does your dog dive into the grass to try to get greens and nutrients by eating grass when you go for a walk?

There is a reason. In nature, if you gave a human baby a banana and a bunny they would pet the bunny and eat the banana. If you gave a hungry dog the same for dinner, they'd eat the bunny first. What part of the bunny do they eat first? the stomach. Why? This is where they get their greens and nutrients...then the meat protein. The raw bones clean their teeth without splintering.

Yet, although we are against eating an all-processed diet, dogs in spite of begging and pleading, are now living shorter lives, with the highest health issues ever due to our thinking that it's better for them because a dog food company told us so...or vets who don't have classes in nutrition tell us so. But this isn't taught in veterinary schools and dog food companies fund and provide text books etc. I didn't say this...vets say this.

That is changing. There is a huge off-shoot of vets now learning to find the issue and the cause (usually food related) rather than treating the issue alone. And it turns out most issues are cured by a proper diet.

In fact, look at your dog treats. If you see sugar in them you will realize how many dog food companies are motivated by money. And there are lots of dog treats even TARTAR CLEANING (they say) dog treats with sugar. Why? Your dog will crave them just like people do. You may also see loads of unnnatural ingredients and even toxins such as onion powder. Milo's dog treats have these. Your dog can't tell you what is slowly hurting their kidneys. It's up to you to read the labels. Dog food is not regulated. It's up to us to do that.

The first thing you will notice about this dog food is that it looks like cookies broken a part rather than machine-made little round circles. Why? Because it it. They use inspected human-grade meat and a balance of carbs, protein, etc. that is closer to the natural diet and what a dog needs. Then they can bake it at a regular temperature that doesn't bake these out, just like you would at home. The nutrients aren't baked out. They bake it in sheets, naturally, then just break them apart.

You may be skeptical...so give it a month or two. Take a picture of your dog's fur before (dead serious) then compare it to when it has time to grow after eating this....you will be SHOCKED. We show poor health in our hair and so do they.

I can actually walk up to people at a dog event and tell them what they feed their dog. I have yet to be wrong and I do it often. I don't mean what brand but even people who think they are feeding their dog premium food like Iams have no idea it's just processed crackers marked up and grains and downed cattle.

I actually point out to people the difference. I kid you not, a family barbecue, a neighborhood "house crawl", a restaurant that allows dogs outside....I can walk up and tell who gives their dog table scraps (without toxins like onions or avocados) or real food, or human grade food....I just say "what do you feed your dog?" and I've never been wrong. Their coats are SHOCKINGLY different and shinier, the dogs aren't itching, and they usually have better teeth and gums. I have yet to be wrong.

One lady told me how she took her dog to vets for years and it had to have steroid shots, then she finally found a vet who knew about nutrition rather than saying "feed him expensive dog food" and assumed that was good...and the dog was cured.

Do I work for this company? No. I am a very active Amazon reviewer who speaks up heavily, especially when it comes to pets, in all my reviews of things I love or things I don't. My dogs thrive on this but I will say, they are not fans of their dog treats. So I just look at labels and find all natural dog treats (charlee bear brand has good ones) I have no ties to this company whatsoever except for the fact that I used to only feed my dogs food I made until a vet who was an expert in nutrition told me about this (In fact this vet ALWAYS treats from the cause rather than the symptoms first...a rarity as to how vets are taught to heal.)

this was at a time I was too busy to cook and I didn't want to give my dog just canned food even though Newman's Own is equally as good as this...

the difference in coat was striking. I have tried a couple other brands and one of my poms always starts scratching. This has amino acids and things that treat the coat and skin and it's perfectly balanced.

Depending upon where you live it may be cheaper to buy direct. I anxiously await the day they finally get this on Amazon with free shipping but it has not happened yet. I'd get it on subscription then.

There is a difference. There is a huge difference. I've spent years studying in order to be informed and I recommend few dog foods. This, however, in my opinion, is simply one that no other dog food has ever come close to when I read ingredients and balance of ingredients and look at how it's made and what kind of meat.

If you ate artificial and processed chicken mcnuggets every day you'd fall ill too. When our dogs do people rarely suspect the dog food...they live such short lives anyway....nothing should be off balance, artificial, preservative-laden, processed, etc in their diets either so that even if they live a long life it is a full and healthy one with less arthritis, less kidney issues, less scratching etc.

I am a raving fan.

Note: I read the other review. Nutro is not human-grade meat.

If it's not human grade the FDA does not regulate it AT ALL

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I recently bought this food for my Westie that suffers from the usual Malassezia. After having 2 years of success on Nutro foods the Westie expert talked us into buying this. I also feed it to my Chihuahua mix. They both initially liked it, but it failed to keep their interest for more than 2 weeks (they really aren't eating it too good anymore). I've noticed that their stools are looser and greater in quality and that their coat is dull and dry. Its a good food, but if you're an animal nutrition expert like I am and know what your own dog needs, then you will notice differences. We're going to go back to Nutro because it definitely produced better results overall. FRR is a good food for dogs with skin issues like my Westie, but its just not what my dogs liked.

Buy Flint River Ranch Trout and Sweet Potato Dog Formula, 20 Lbs. Now


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