Pill Pockets for Kittens CHICKEN 1.6 oz (45 pockets)

Pill Pockets for Kittens CHICKEN 1.6 oz
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $7.30
Sale Price: $4.45
Today's Bonus: 39% Off
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Just what I was looking for. Both of my cats love them... one is hyper thyroid and I am able to give it to both cats no problem. It was such a struggle before. Awesome product.

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It only worked the first time. After that she got smart! Bummer because she's impossible to give a pill to. Impossible.

Buy Pill Pockets for Kittens CHICKEN 1.6 oz (45 pockets) Now

Till pill pockets were invented, you we lucky if you were able to open your pet's mouth, push a pill down it's throat, pick it up repeatedly from the floor after it kept spitting it out and, finally, after getting it to swallow it, come away without being bitten in the process. All that is now.........a thing of the past! Just pop a pill, or half a pill, whatever the dose is, into a pill pocket, and pinch the end closed. Dogs and cats don't really chew their food, so all they do is pick it up into their mouth and swallow! And there are different flavors, and sizes just right for kittens, cats, puppies and dogs! Even extra large ones for extra large pills!

Medicate your pe? What could be simpler?

Read Best Reviews of Pill Pockets for Kittens CHICKEN 1.6 oz (45 pockets) Here

Based on my experience with our six cats, I can't imagine any cat not devouring these. We have a cat with hyperthyroidism who needs a pill twice a day. Two of our other cats routinely run over when its pill time to see if I'll give them a tiny piece of the pill pocket, and the other three non-medicated cats would readily gobble these up too if I let them. Not to mention the cat who is supposed to be getting them. She's normally a whiner (unusual in cats) but loves these and readily takes them twice a day. Before now, we've had cats for many years and periodically had to give one of them pills; this is by far the easiest method I've run across. Good thing if one has have to give a cat pills as frequently as twice every day, indefinitely.

Want Pill Pockets for Kittens CHICKEN 1.6 oz (45 pockets) Discount?

Two of my three cats turned up their noses at this flavor of pill pockets. I used them to conceal tapeworm pill halves and was careful not to have medicine residue on my hands when I sealed them up. One of my cats gobbled them down greedily, no problem. My two other cats decided to give me grief about them and I ended up having to get the pills down them another way. I love the idea for this product but it's impossible to tell if your cat will go for them until you try them out.

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