Brewers Yeast Tablets with Garlic

Brewers Yeast Tablets with Garlic, 1000-Count
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Sale Price: $15.59
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This year we have had a severe flea problem and even frontline wasn't working. On top of that, my dog is allergic to fleas. She had bald spots, her skin was dried out from all the chemical treatments I was using to get rid of the fleas and her coat was dull and thinning. I started her on these tablets (which she thinks are treats) combined with "Vet's Best Natural Flea + Tick Home Spray," (also bought on Amazon) last month and now her coat is shining, the fleas are very few and far between, her bald spots are gone, her skin is healthy and she is a very happy doggy.

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This product is Excellent for dogs and cats.

If your dog scratches for no apparent reason use this product,

the scratching will stop.

I have an ancient cat (she is now 19years)

last year she was frail and failing.

I started giving her a half tablet within a month

she was looking and feeling better.

Now she looks and acts 5years younger!!!

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Please note that at the top of this page where you select the size, the "100" count for about $12 is actually the 1000 count. I haven't yet tried this with the cats, but my standard poodle immediately took to the tablets. She's normally fussy about food and treats, so this was a real winner. The label suggests one tablet per 10 lbs. each day, so a 1000 count bottle will last quite some time. I'll post again if Holly suddenly starts acting like she's three months old, or if she grows a fifth leg. Actually, she is fairly young and in very good health, so I don't know that I'll actually see any areas of improvement, but brewers yeast has (afaik) long been considered a safe, effective supplement for humans and animals alike.

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Some of you people need to read what the main purpose of this product is for. It's not to protect your pet from fleas. That's a supposed secondary effect. It's supposed to help repel fleas, "supposed to" being the key phrase. The product is mainly to help with your pet's coat and skin. If you have fleas, you need to get rid of them first, and then it may help to keep them off your pet. Don't expect to have it get rid of the fleas your pet is already infested with. My dogs have used brewers yeast with garlic for years without a problem and have never had any fleas or ticks. But then again, I live in Arizona where there aren't a lot of plants, shrubs, or grass.

Here's a description of what this product is for:

Brewers Yeast with Garlic

A tasty, nutritious (50% natural protein), and pure natural food supplement made for your cat or dog. Promotes a healthy, shiny coat, reduces shedding, and repairs damaged skin. It is rich in important and essential vitamins, minerals, and protein (essential building blocks of life).

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My dogs love these, and there are some brands they won't eat at all. They get excited every morning when I get these out to give them.

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