Neogen Squire Ichthammol 20% Drawing Salve

Neogen Squire Ichthammol 20% Drawing Salve
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $21.99
Sale Price: $17.99
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Many are used to getting the "tried and true" Black Drawing Salve, Ichthammol in a tube. My earliest memories are of the Druggist scooping it into a a small round tin and labelling it. With Ichthammol being more difficult to find at local Drug Stores, I'm glad to get this "industrial size". It seems to last forever and is a medicine cabinet staple.

A glob on a band-aid strategically placed on bug bites, boils or splinters, softens the boo-boo and brings the splinter, stinger or pus to the surface usually within 24 hours. Just be aware the oily, tarry salve WILL STAIN clothes, bedding etc. and NEEDS to be covered.

Through the years we've used this on both humans and animals, it works well. My Dad, a carpenter, seemed to always have a deep splinter, us kids with boils, pets with ailments kept my parents doctoring us. You didn't go to the REAL doctor until their treatments failed...I lived to tell about it and treat my kid too !!!

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So every since I was little my skin hates me, well hates bugs biting me and hates things that cause me to get "boils" (aka a large zit type ordeal that is usually brought on by sweating and things clogging pores). I always used black drawing salve (that was 20% icthammol) and it would quickly draw things out of my skin.

Well earlier this month I had the unfortunate experience of mosquitoes biting my feet (somehow over the past two or so years I avoided it, which amazes me b/c I live in the SE), any ways I had a lovely allergic reaction that swelled up and hurt. Went to our local herb shoppe and the stuff they are selling as black drawing salve" doesnt contain itchammol!!!! So I refused to buy it since it wasnt the same.

Checked other stores and couldn't find the legit black drawing salve anywhere! Thankfully found this and did the overnight (thx amazon prime!) b/c by that point the bites beside my toes had my foot swollen and red up to my ankle! Got this the following afternoon and started slavering it all over my foot, and by the next morning the redness was just around the tiny bites. By that evening nothing was raised and a simple scab was over each bite. I can tell this summer is going to be a bad one for mosquitoes, so I'm very thankful to already have this in my bathroom cabinet waiting for the next incident!

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When I was growing up in the 60s and 70s, our family always had ichthammol in the medicine cabinet. My most vivid memory of it was the time I got a staff infection and boil from shaving under my arms. My mother spread ichthammol on it and covered it with a bandage, and in a day or two it had opened and drained. She also used it on a deep splinter my father had, and in a day or two it had drawn out the splinter and all the infection.

This is the same tar-like goop I remember from my childhood, in a very large container. It's labeled for veterinary use, but like many veterinary products, it's fine for humans too. Be sure to cover whatever you use it on with a bandage because it will stain clothing and bedding.

There's a reason why these old remedies are still around today they work!

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Nice big jar that will last along time for home use probably for a 6 months to a year. If you have a problem with boils this stuff really works. After taking a shower I rub some on my feet and put on thick socks for about an hour, when I take the socks off my feet are nice and soft. It's great on bug bites too.

For boils take a nice shower dry off apply salve I usually start using at night, then I apply at least three times a day. Place a sponge on top so you can protect clothings this stuff will stain clothes. Keep applying till boil starts to drain. **** If boil is big,deep,bleeds a lot or you never had a boil Please see your doctor**** to be on the safe side.

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We used this as a alternative remedy for a deep splinter under the skin, cyst forming due to a clogged skin pore, and a retained tick head. In all three cases, the drawing salve worked with the body's natural healing abilities to draw the toxins out of the skin.

Only a small amount is needed, and this jar will last for quite some time when used for minor ailments such as those I've described.

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